To all Tiny Taxpayers,

Please read now. We need your response and support!

Council continues to systematically vote 4-1 against any motion to pause and reassess their plan to move forward with the construction of a palatial new administrative building despite large protests, numerous letters and several deputations urging Council to pause – not to stop, but to pause.

The growing opposition to Council’s plan is a township-wide citizen effort which FoTTSA is wholeheartedly supporting and working on collaboratively with concerned individuals in Tiny.


Here’s what to do:

1. Open a new email message.

2. Highlight the following entire list, and then copy and paste it all at once into address line:,,

3. Copy this message into the body of the email.

Dear Mayor Evans and Tiny Councillors, Senior Staff

I am a taxpayer in Tiny. I object to your decision to build a massive town hall in a remote and isolated area without seeking our approval to take on the largest debt in our history. I am asking you to PLEASE PAUSE THIS PROCESS until more information is obtained, including from taxpayers, and other options receive serious consideration.

4. Add any comments you would like

5. Add your name and Tiny address

6. Hit send.

Thanks for helping keep Tiny affordable.