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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: October 31, 2011

County Council Update; Concession 8 Accessible Parking Spaces; Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation Report; Dead Birds; False Alarm Policy; OPP Policing Contract; New Fire Chief Appointed; Budget Meeting November 2 [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: October 11, 2011

Boundary Issues Along TBRN/Ardmore Beach; Safety Issues in Jackson Park and Cove Area; Proposed Wyevale Park Master Plan; Senior Staff Hiring Process; Dead Fish and Birds on Tiny’s Shores; Budget Meetings for 2012 Budget Year [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: September 26, 2011

Farlain Lake Community Speeding Problem; Safety Issues in Jackson Park and Cove Area; Draft Bluewater Beach Park By-Law; Extension of the Rurual Connections Broadband Program; Trails and Active Transportation Master Plan Adopted; Canada Post Address Changes [more]

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Reports on Council: 2007-2010

Council Reports: February 11, 2008

Confidential/Closed Session; Official Tree for Tiny Township; Septic Re-Inspection Update; Decision re: Grant’s Tomb Island Road; Governance Report Re: County Council; County to Recycle Electronics; One Bag Limit Coming This Fall; Council Salary Increases Approved; [more]

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Reports on Council: 2003-2006

Council Reports: March 10, 14, 2005

REPORT ON COUNCIL March 10, 2005Special Committee of the Whole Meeting: 2:00 p.m. – 3:59 p.m.All Members of Council present. CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSIONS: 2:03 p.m. – 3:58 p.m. This session involved Harry Dahme of Gowling Lafleur Henderson, LLP (the firm hired to recommend legal avenues of opposition to the [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Market Value Assessment under attack in Tiny

Market Value Assessment under attack in Tiny By Paul Masterson Market Value Assessment (MVA), a thorny issue, revolves around the changing of the MVA base year from 1980 to 1992. We read elsewhere in this issue of The Tiny Cottager (Fair Tax Commission article) that property tax should not be [more]