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Tiny Cottager Articles

Georgian Bay Sport Fishing in Trouble?

Georgian Bay Sport Fishing in Trouble? By Al Taylor For some years now, sport fishing in Georgian Bay has been in decline. Some say the Bay never recovered from over-fishing at the turn of the century, others say commercial fishing boats or the cormorants are to blame. Perhaps invading species [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

A Bird in the Hand? Rare Birds in Tiny

A Bird in the Hand? Rare Birds in Tiny By Tim Tully In his article in Issue #27 of The Tiny Cottager Bill Johnson noted the wonderful sight of a mature Bald Eagle in front of his cottage on the western shore of Tiny north of Concession Road 20. And, in fact, [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Flying the Flag

Flying the Flag Al Taylor The Canadian flag waving atop your own flag pole or off the stern of your boat has a great feel to it, especially in cottage country against the backdrop of the trees, sky, and water. I personally feel a lot of pride about flying our [more]

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Health Concerns

A Walk in the Woods – with a Twist of Lyme

A Walk in the Woods – with a Twist of Lyme (read this before venturing outdoors this spring) By Ewa Milewska Early in June 2005 one of the very first really warm spring days arrived in Tiny Township. I could finally wear just sandals on bare feet, shorts and a [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Dump Site Musings

Dump Site Musings By Christine Dow I have been thinking about an article by Martin Mittelstaedt that appeared in the Globe and Mail on Saturday, December 16th, 2006 entitled “Earth’s cleanest water creates thorny issue.” The sub-title, “In Tiny Township a precious resource faces threat from proposed garbage dump” generated [more]

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Reports on Council: 2007-2010

Report on Council

Report on Council MUNICIPAL ELECTION: Of Tiny’s 19,491 electors, only 28.2% of non-residents and 42.5% of residents cast valid votes, 34% overall. 1,218 ballots were spoiled, primarily because voters failed to include a Voter Declaration Form. Fortunately the outcome of the election was not affected. Here are the official results: Mayor [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Off the Grid – Is Now the Time?

Off the Grid – Is Now the Time? By Jack Ellis Off-Grid by Choice During the last big storm, Roger Priddle on Cawaja Beach got a call from a friend. “The power is out all over the area!” the friend exclaimed. At first, Roger assumed his friend was just joking [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Bill 198 – Will It Drive Georgian Bay Water Levels Even Lower?

Bill 198 – Will It Drive Georgian Bay Water Levels Even Lower? By Judith Grant Recently, the Ontario government introduced Bill 198, the basis for the legislation needed to support the Great Lakes-St Lawrence Sustainable Water Resources Agreement among Ontario, Quebec and the eight American Great Lakes states. Bill 198 [more]