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Tiny Cottager Articles

Your Council At Work

Your Council At Work By Frank Hughes and Patricia O’Driscoll Council meets on the second and last Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the municipal offices on the Balm Beach Road, Perkinsfield, to deal with regular Council business. All residents are encouraged to attend, be part of the [more]

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The Environment

Tiny Water Systems Meet Provincial Guidelines

Tiny Water Systems Meet Provincial Guidelines  By Patricia O’Driscoll There are 17 Municipally operated water systems within the Township of Tiny, the largest number in any municipality in Simcoe County. Nearly 3,000 lots are within the service areas of these water systems with approximately 1,700 units connected to the water [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Gets a Little Singed

Tiny Gets a Little Singed  By Paul Masterson An 18 hectare (40 acre) area of Tiny’s lot 19/20, concession 21 was successfully treated to a prescribed burning in an April/May period this spring. Carried out by trained fire crews of the Ministry of Natural Resources (Midhurst), this proven silvicultural treatment [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny “Dumped On” By Simcoe County

Tiny “Dumped On” By Simcoe County Tiny becomes Simcoe’s garbage dump as Site 41, a 150 acre parcel of farmland in Tiny’s Conc. 2, was approved by the Environmental Assessment Board (EAB) following a lengthy and costly hearing. The decision was given on February 2, 1995. Tiny Township opposed approval [more]

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The Half-Mile Club

The Half-Mile Club By Patricia O’Driscoll What’s in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet – that’s how the saying goes. The year round residents often refer to us as the cottagers, summer residents, seasonal recreational residents, shoreline property owners … that’s us. All of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Simcoe Taxpayers Gear to Fight Market Value Reassessment

Simcoe Taxpayers Gear to Fight Market Value Reassessment By The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations “SCRAM” (Simcoe County Residents Against Market value reassessment) to voice taxpayers opposition. Subsequent to an organizational meeting reported in a story on page 4, the new group, SCRAM, is making available to Simcoe County [more]

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The Environment

Sewage, Septage and Sludge…Tiny’s Future

Sewage, Septage and Sludge…Tiny’s Future By Patricia O’Driscoll If our permanent home is in the city, sewage is treated at a sewage treatment plant. We may not give much thought to the problem of how waste from our septic systems and holding tanks is handled in Tiny, but, how the [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Report–Tiny Township 1994 Election

REPORT — TINY TOWNSHIP 1994 ELECTION THE PEOPLE DECIDED! By David Blair  Chairman, 1994 Election Committee It took the will of thousands to elect the new Tiny Township Council. The members of council are: Mayor: Anthony Lancia Deputy Major: Douglas Taylor  Councillors: Ron Clément Evelyn Klym  Susan Kronschnabl The Process The directors of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

New Year’s Gathering

New Year’s Gathering  By Doreen Cheeseman Thursday, December 28th, 1994, at 2:00 p.m. saw many faces gathered at Capt. Roberts’ Table, Penetanguishene, to toast in the New Year and to meet new neighbours. The occasion was the Federation’s open house. The setting was perfect for the festive season. Brightly decorated [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told!

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told! By David Blair SCRAM Committee Chairman On Tuesday April 25, 1995, your Federation held an information meeting at Midhurst on Market Value Assessment (MVA) and Market Value Reassessment, to which representatives from ratepayers’ associations across Simcoe County had been invited. In attendance were [more]