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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft!

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft! It’s a Shocker! Call 1-800-461-4230 or (705) 728-2270 or fax- (705) 728-3077 to learn what your MVA taxes would be. The dramatic tax increases under Full Market Value across the County makes this option virtually dead. For Tiny, under Factored MVA, an analysis of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues By David Blair, Chairman, Simcoe County Residents Against market Value Reassessment (Director of the Federation) Since its inception in April, 1995, a grass roots organization, Simcoe County Residents Against Market Value Reassessment (SCRAM) has carried out a well planned and incessant campaign to arouse [more]