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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Council Report: June 13, 2011

Confidential/Closed Session; Visual Impact Study to be Included in Current Official Plan; Community/Seniors’ Centre for Northeast?; Airport Commission/Township Responsibility;Procedure for Hiring a New Manager of Planning; Septage Committee/Class EA/New Resources for Disposal of Septage; Problems with Sand at Bluewater Georgina Wendake Beaches [more]

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Reports on Council: 2003-2006

Council Reports: June 11-13, 2005

REPORT ON COUNCILJune 11, 2005Public Meeting on the New Zoning By-law: 10:00 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. All Members of Council present.  Nick McDonald, of Meridian Planning Consultants, presented the current version of the new Zoning to the 111 residents who attended this, the third public meeting on the new Zoning [more]