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Reports on Council: 2007-2010

Council Reports: August 30, 2010

REPORT ON COUNCIL August 30, 2010 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – to 4:12 pm (The day included site visits to Woodland Beach Park, the recently acquired Hunters’ and Anglers’ building, and Blair Lane.) Regular Evening Meeting: 7:00 pm – 9:08 pm All members of Council present CONFIDENTIAL [more]

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Reports on Council: 2007-2010

Council Reports: February 12, 2007

REPORT ON COUNCIL February 12, 2007 Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 p.m. –6:23 p.m. Regular Evening Meeting: 7:00 p.m. – 7:48 p.m. All members of Council present. CONFIDENTIAL / CLOSED SESSION: 1:07 p.m. – 1:56 p.m. OPTIONS RE REGULATION OF FENCES IN TINY: Nick McDonald of Meridian Planning presented [more]

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Reports on Council: 2003-2006

Council Reports: May 29+June 14, 2004

REPORT ON COUNCIL May 29, 2004 Public Planning Meeting concerning the proposed recreational trailer park in Concession 2: 10:10 a.m. – 12:27 p.m. Mayor Robert Klug, Deputy Mayor Pierre Paul Maurice and Councillor Peggy Breckenridge present; Councillors Ray Millar and Rob Panasiuk absent because of prior commitments. The proposed recreational [more]