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Tiny Cottager Articles

The President’s Message

The President’s Message By Judith Grant It’s been a long winter, and all of us are glad of the prospect of sunny pleasant weather and another summer at the beach. One benefit of all the snow is that the experts expect that all the melt water should have made its [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

The President’s Message

The President’s Message by Judith Grant In 1999-2000 when citizen groups met to discuss various aspects of Tiny’s “New” Official Plan, they made sure that it was “Environment First”. And in the years since then, Tiny’s residents have become more and more aware of the need to take care of the [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

The President’s Message

The President’s Message By Judith Grant Welcome back to beautiful Tiny Township and another pleasant summer at the cottage. We have some temptations that might entice you away from the shore. Take a look at the calendar of Events or read the article about Wyebridge and go exploring. As you’ll [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

The President’s Message

The President’s Message By Judith Grant In 2003, the year of the last municipal election, our association, FoTTSA, posted an announcement on The Tiny Cottager website and Tiny’s Residents Working Together printed the same announcement in the Labour Day issue of Tiny Ties. It read – A True Community in [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Simcoe home owners socked with $33 Million tax grab

PRESIDENT AL TAYLOR’S REPORT Simcoe home owners socked with $33 Million tax grab This headline is no myth should county-wide Full MVA go into effect in Simcoe County. Tiny Township would be hit with $3 1/2 million of the $33 million tax grab. Under county-wide Factorized MVA, Tiny Township would [more]