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Tiny Cottager Articles

Nature in Tiny Technicolour!

Nature in Tiny Technicolour! By Paul Masterson Once again the forests of Tiny are ablaze with brilliant colors as nature’s paint brush dabs, splashes and strokes hues and tones of yellow, brown, green, red and gold across the autumn landscape. Strolling with his granddaughter on an afternoon in early October [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Gets a Little Singed

Tiny Gets a Little Singed  By Paul Masterson An 18 hectare (40 acre) area of Tiny’s lot 19/20, concession 21 was successfully treated to a prescribed burning in an April/May period this spring. Carried out by trained fire crews of the Ministry of Natural Resources (Midhurst), this proven silvicultural treatment [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

A Forest Perspective

A Forest Perspective By Paul Masterson Driving the roads of Tiny, one is always conscious of forest stands of various species composition ranging from conifers (pines and spruces), hardwood stands (maple, oak, beech, ash an cherry) to mixed stands of both softwood and hardwood species. The forests of Tiny are [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Time to make your mark is coming!

Time to make your mark is coming! by Paul Masterson The time is coming to stand up and be counted! The first advance polling date is October 29 and by the evening of November the 14th, election day, the new Council will be known. But, the candidates will not be [more]