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Administrative Update

Sunday Gun Hunting Permitted in Tiny Township

From a Tiny Township press release dated December 15, 2015: Tiny – At its meeting of December 14, 2015, the Township of Tiny Council approved Sunday gun hunting in Tiny. Council and staff through its public input process and deliberations have thoroughly investigated the impact that Sunday gun hunting may have in the [more]

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Administrative Update

Sunday Gun Hunting Permitted in Tiny Township

From a Tiny Township press release dated December 15, 2015: Tiny – At its meeting of December 14, 2015, the Township of Tiny Council approved Sunday gun hunting in Tiny. Council and staff through its public input process and deliberations have thoroughly investigated the impact that Sunday gun hunting may have in the [more]

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Administrative Update

Beth Brass Elson’s Walk for Water

Elizabeth Brass Elson, of the Beausoleil First Nation and who took part in the fight against Site 41, is taking part in the Sacred Water Walk 2015, a journey by foot around the Great Lakes in order to raise awareness about water safety issues, specifically recent oil spills and train [more]

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Tiny Township Municipal Election 2014

The municipal election is upon us once again on October 27th. As before it will be vote-by-mail. A variety of candidates have come forward seeking your support in Tiny Township and, as always, the Federation has vetted the candidates and arrived at a list of recommended candidates the Board of [more]

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Administrative Update

URGENT: Restore Our Water Public Meeting

Saturday July 6, 2013 10:00AM –NOON Tiny Township Community Hall 91 Concession 8 East FoTTSA, together with Tiny Township are sponsoring a major public meeting to update the community about unprecedented low water levels in Georgian Bay. This meeting will be a major fundraising effort to support the cost of [more]

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Administrative Update

Important Meeting re: Water Levels

There is an important meeting on Saturday, November 10th at 9:30am, held by the Sierra Club Great Lakes Section. All those concerned with the Water Levels issue should attend! For more information, including RSVP information and a map to the location (held in Toronto near Leslie/401) see this PDF: [more]

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Administrative Update

Correction: The Tiny Cottager pg. 14

On page 14 of the Fall 2012 Edition of The Tiny Cottager, the Report on Council entry for “Beach and Local Issues” requires a correction. The first sentence should read: “Discussions are still underway regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cawaja Property Owners Association and the Township concerning beach [more]