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Tiny Cottager Articles

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft!

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft! It’s a Shocker! Call 1-800-461-4230 or (705) 728-2270 or fax- (705) 728-3077 to learn what your MVA taxes would be. The dramatic tax increases under Full Market Value across the County makes this option virtually dead. For Tiny, under Factored MVA, an analysis of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues By David Blair, Chairman, Simcoe County Residents Against market Value Reassessment (Director of the Federation) Since its inception in April, 1995, a grass roots organization, Simcoe County Residents Against Market Value Reassessment (SCRAM) has carried out a well planned and incessant campaign to arouse [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Impact Study hits Tiny Residents hard!

Impact Study hits Tiny Residents hard! By John Grant – Addison Beach Predicted results became fact as the Impact Study for Simcoe County’s Market Value Reassessment (1992 base) was released August 15th, 1995. Residential property owners learned that their taxes would skyrocket under the proposed system, if adopted, while farms, [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Simcoe Taxpayers Gear to Fight Market Value Reassessment

Simcoe Taxpayers Gear to Fight Market Value Reassessment By The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations “SCRAM” (Simcoe County Residents Against Market value reassessment) to voice taxpayers opposition. Subsequent to an organizational meeting reported in a story on page 4, the new group, SCRAM, is making available to Simcoe County [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told!

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told! By David Blair SCRAM Committee Chairman On Tuesday April 25, 1995, your Federation held an information meeting at Midhurst on Market Value Assessment (MVA) and Market Value Reassessment, to which representatives from ratepayers’ associations across Simcoe County had been invited. In attendance were [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

“Market Value Reassessment triggers 82,000 tax appeals”

“Market Value Reassessment triggers 82,000 tax appeals” By Al Taylor President of the Federation The above could be a future headline in a Simcoe County newspaper: IF we trust the same folks who brought us restructuring and never told us that we would pay more education taxes as a result. Have [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Market Value Assessment under attack in Tiny

Market Value Assessment under attack in Tiny By Paul Masterson Market Value Assessment (MVA), a thorny issue, revolves around the changing of the MVA base year from 1980 to 1992. We read elsewhere in this issue of The Tiny Cottager (Fair Tax Commission article) that property tax should not be [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Market Value Assessment – the next nail in our coffin?

Market Value Assessment – the next nail in our coffin? By Jack Ellis Elsewhere in this issue you have been reading about one of the first whacks in the wallet Tiny Township cottagers have received from restructuring – Tiny gets a 7% increase in education taxes while Barrie gets only [more]