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Administrative Update

Jack Barry Ellis

Jack Ellis, FoTTSA’s first president, director from 2001 to 2014, and regular contributor to The Tiny Cottager, died peacefully at home on September 26th. He suffered from a failing heart, but had been rallying in the weeks before his passing. An obituary appeared in the October 13, Globe and Mail. [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Study of Visual Impact of Wind Turbines Is Underway

Study of Visual Impact of Wind Turbines Is Underway By Jack Ellis A study into the visual impacts of industrial wind turbine developments is now underway in Tiny. On March 31st, Township Council authorized staff to contract with the University of Guelph to provide a team of Landscape Architecture professors [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Wind Farm Update: Bigger Turbines Prompt Council Study

Wind Farm Update: Bigger Turbines Prompt Council Study By Jack Ellis   Source: Ventus Draft ESR, Figure 7.3, page 53 Over two years ago Ventus Energy Inc. proposed six 400-foot high wind turbines centred on the open fields of the Robitaille Farm site in the 19th Concession. They set up [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Off the Grid – Is Now the Time?

Off the Grid – Is Now the Time? By Jack Ellis Off-Grid by Choice During the last big storm, Roger Priddle on Cawaja Beach got a call from a friend. “The power is out all over the area!” the friend exclaimed. At first, Roger assumed his friend was just joking [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles


FALL GREETINGS FROM THE FEDERATION As the leaves turn colour and we all prepare our cottages for the winter, the Federation of Tiny Township Shorelines Associations sends greetings to all recipients of the Tiny Cottager. This has been a busy year for the Federation. Many serious and complex issues face [more]