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Tiny Cottager Articles

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues

SCRAM REPORTS … the battle continues By David Blair, Chairman, Simcoe County Residents Against market Value Reassessment (Director of the Federation) Since its inception in April, 1995, a grass roots organization, Simcoe County Residents Against Market Value Reassessment (SCRAM) has carried out a well planned and incessant campaign to arouse [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

Report–Tiny Township 1994 Election

REPORT — TINY TOWNSHIP 1994 ELECTION THE PEOPLE DECIDED! By David Blair  Chairman, 1994 Election Committee It took the will of thousands to elect the new Tiny Township Council. The members of council are: Mayor: Anthony Lancia Deputy Major: Douglas Taylor  Councillors: Ron Clément Evelyn Klym  Susan Kronschnabl The Process The directors of [more]

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Tiny Cottager Articles

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told!

M.V. Reassessment Bad News – Meeting Told! By David Blair SCRAM Committee Chairman On Tuesday April 25, 1995, your Federation held an information meeting at Midhurst on Market Value Assessment (MVA) and Market Value Reassessment, to which representatives from ratepayers’ associations across Simcoe County had been invited. In attendance were [more]