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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: October 11th and 30th, 2017

Announcements; Emergency Access to Private Roads; Regulation of Short-Term Rental Properties; Financial Support Requested for Culturel Midland; Lafontaine Camp/Trailer Park Expansion; SSEA Report Re: Township Drinking Water Status and Risk Management; Crosswalk at Concession Road 9 and TBRS; Senior Speaker Series Presentation; Inventory to be Done as Basis for Local Climate Change Action Plan; Bicycle/Walking Lanes; Proposed Joint Special Closed Session Meeting of the North Simcoe Councils Regarding 2017 Provincial Growth Plan Discussed [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: July 10 and 31, 2017

Announcements; Tiny’s Official Plan Update; Public Works Organizational Review; Major Parks; Arboretum; Police Services Board; Broadband Gap Analysis; Deputations Regarding Wording in Strategic Plan; Budget Meeting Dates; [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: February 13th and March 2nd

Announcements; Additions to Staff; 2016 Beach Monitoring Report; Garbage Collection on Private Roads; 2016 Census Report; Budget Matters; Conversion of Open to Permit Parking Along The Western Shore; Changes to Parking at the Five Major Beach Parks; Local Aging Plan 2017 [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: January 9th and 30th, 2017

Annoucnements; Staff Changes; Council Representation on Committee of Adjustment; Municipal Heritage Register Expands; Support for Tiny Marsh Bioblitz; Budget; Major Beach Parks and Wayfinding Signage; Policing; Comparative Building Permit Activity 2015/2016; Management of Kitching Lane Access; Upcoming Changes to Hauled Sewage Disposal Site Approval Process; Tiny Bog Wetland Re-Evaluation; Major Site Plan Amendment Under the Aggregate Resources Act; [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: February 8, 2016

2016 Budget Adopted; North Simcoe Agricultural Expo Agricole Event 2017;2016 Summer Events Schedule in Balm Beach; Availability of Parking at Major Beach Parks; Dates of Town Hall Meetings in 2016; Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament; [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: October 26, 2015

Strategic Plan Response from Wymbolwood Beach Association; Opposition to Three Street Lights Proposed for Champlain Road by Manager of Public Works; Sunday Gun Hunting; Simcoe County Loop Trail; Matters Referred to the Budget Process; Second Strategic Plan Newsletter [more]

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Reports on Council: 2014-2018

Report on Council: June 29, 2015

Confidential/Closed Session; Deputations by Neighbours of Balm Beach; Marc’s Hardware in Lafontaine No Longer to Serve as Dealer Outlet for Canada Post; Preparatory Budget Meetings for 2016; Great Lakes Cities Initiative (GLSLCI) Conference; McMahan Woods Subdivision Agreement; Meeting with Municipalities/Septage Class Environmental Assessment; By-Law Forbidding Barbecuing on the Concession 8 Road Allowance; [more]