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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: January 14, 2013

Severn Sound Environmental Association 2012 Review; New 2013 Recreation and Related Fees and Affordable Recreation By-law; Audio Recordings of Council Meetings; By-law to Address Environmental and Financial Impacts of Wind Farm Developments; Septage Management Class EA Study/Phases 3 and 4; Final Draft 2013 Municipal Budget; Road Conditions in the Sawlog Bay area; County of Simcoe Invited to Explain New Waste Management Program; [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: August 27, 2012

Champlain Commemorations Huronia 2015; Bill 32, Great Lakes Shoreline Right of Passage Act, 2011; Solar Farm Support Letter; Wyevale Intersection Pedestrian Signal and School Zone Warning Signs; Emergency Services Report; Petition from R. Doering re: Road Allowance between Conc.1 8 and 19, Thunder Bay Beach; Municipal Investments Limited; Cabell Road/Park; IJC’s International Upper Lakes Study Report [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: January 9, 2012

Discussion of Facility Advertising and Promotion Policy; Balm Beach Pay Parking Program – Beach Capacity; Draft Source Water Protection Policies
Heritage Designation of St. Patrick’s Church, Perkinsfield; Letter from FoTTSA re the proposed McMahan Woods Subdivision; Proposed Wind Power Project – Christian Island; Sustainability and Growth in the Simcoe Area
Boundaries Identification – Learning Seminar; Outcomes of the Closed Session; McMahan Woods Development – OMB Hearing [more]