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Administrative Update


In the Fall, 2016 edition of The Tiny Cottager, the Report on Council entry on Lafontaine Beach Park Master Plan Implementation should have read: “Plans for a children’s play area in Zone 3 and bocce ball courts in Zone 2 should be put into effect next year, along with a [more]

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Administrative Update

2011-2015 Budget Database Added

The Budget Database has been updated to include the years 2011-2015 and is now available via the sidebar to the right under “Government”.  We apologize for the delay in getting it online.

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Administrative Update


In the Fall, 2015 issue of our Tiny Cottager newsletter, the President’s Message contained an incorrect date for an upcoming Town Hall Meeting.  The correct date for the meeting is November 14, 2015.  The Federation regrets the error.

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Administrative Update

Correction: The Tiny Cottager pg. 14

On page 14 of the Fall 2012 Edition of The Tiny Cottager, the Report on Council entry for “Beach and Local Issues” requires a correction. The first sentence should read: “Discussions are still underway regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cawaja Property Owners Association and the Township concerning beach [more]

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Administrative Update

Retailers Discounts for FoTTSA Members updated

As you will see in the side menu the Retailers’ Discounts for FoTTSA has been updated for 2011-2012. You can take advantage of these discounts using your FoTTSA membership card which is available through the FoTTSA representative in your association.

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Administrative Update


…to the new Tiny Cottager Online! Today we launch a new, refreshed website. Much of the content is unchanged, but the way it is displayed and managed is very different. Take a look around. We think the site is easier to navigate and has a cleaner, more uniform look. It [more]