Beach Histories

Beach Histories contains stories from our members about life ‘on the beach’ previously published in issues of the Tiny Cottager.

Woodland BeachTracey Price & Marg Robertson48Woodland Beach Celebrates Launch of Its History Book (PDF format)
Cedar PointJames Stuart48A History of Cedar Point (PDF format)
Edmor-Georgian HeightsDoug Gardner47 (pt. 2)Edmor-Georgian Heights: Past, Present & Future (Pt. 2) (PDF format)
Edmor-Georgian HeightsDoug Gardner46 (pt. 1)Edmor-Georgian Heights: Past, Present & Future (Pt. 1) (PDF format)
Deanlea BeachRose Rubino45Two Snowbirds in a Florida Village (PDF format)
Woodland BeachTracey Price44Woodland Beach History Day (PDF format)
Woodland BeachDenise Gardian40 (Pt. 1) 41 (Pt. 2)Pt.1 (PDF format)
Pt.2 (PDF format)
NottawagaElizabeth Scott36Early Days at Nottawaga Beach (PDF)
Bluewater Georgina WendakeIrene Wilson36BGW Beach Beginnings (PDF)
Kettle's BeachJoanne Scott32Kettle’s Beach History
Rowntree BeachJack Ellis31Frances Dafoe and Norris Bowden – Beach Kids Who Became World Champion and Olympic Skaters
Pennorth BeachScot Lowes30A History of Pennorth Beach
Nottawaga BeachJim Fraser & J. Fraser Elliot28A Heritage Building Lovingly Preserved at Nottawaga Beach
Brunelle's IslandLinda Andrews27Brunelle’s Island
Belle-Eau-Claire BeachClaire Christie25Sandcastles
North of Kingswood AcresBill Johnson23Entertainment at the Cottag circa 1936-1950
North of Kingswood AcresBill Johnson22Love and Wartime at the Cottage
Addison BeachA.P. Addision, Louise Addison & George Addison21Early years at Addison Beach
Deanlea BeachPat Armstrong18The Story of Deanlea Beach
Clearwater BeachJack Purkis (and Bill Guthrie)17The History of Clearwater Beach
Farlain LakeElaine Sweeney15A Mini History of a Tiny Lake–Farlain Lake
Addison BeachChristine Addison Dow14The Log Story
Cawaja BeachBabs Sennett14Memories of Early Cottaging on the Shores of Georgian Bay in Tiny Township
Coutnac Beach14Did You Know?
Rowntree BeachEdith Bowden14Happy Memories of Rowntree Beach from 1931 to 1942
Rowntree BeachSue (Stackhouse) Pfeffer12Growing up in Tiny Township
Wymbolwood Beach12Wymbolwood Beach Celebrates 50th Anniversary