The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations owns no land and takes no partisan position on beach access issues. It is an umbrella organization, representing member associations whose individual situations differ radically one to the next.

The key principle which the Federation strongly supports is that decisions about beach access issues should be determined by those directly involved, on an informed basis, without coercion or confrontation. No mandated or “one size fits all” approach should be imposed.

The Federation’s role is to identify and clarify issues, and to convey objective information to our members, and others with an interest in these matters, so that they may make informed decisions. By way of example — in many parts of the shore, land ownership is not clear. In our view, one kind of information that is needed before negotiations are entered into or decisions made, is the report of David Lambden, the land surveyor and boundary expert, who is looking into beach ownership for the Township.

Below are articles previously published in the Tiny Cottager or (in one instance) in the Midland Free Press.

Michael Hasley28More than MPAC Needs Reform
26Review of Dynamic Beach Shorelines in Tiny Township
23Beach Access Mediation: “Save the Beaches” Tries to Hijack the Process
Paul Torrie & James McKenzie22Mediator’s Interim Report
21Let’s make our township-owned beach parks more pleasant
Ian Ferguson, Georgian Beach18Part of Bluewater Beach Now Public
The Federation's Submission18County’s Shoreline Policy Study
Jack Ellis, Rowntree Beach16The Lambden Study of Municipal Lands: Complex but Vital for Tiny
*Court rulings don't support claim of open beaches,” Midland Free Press, May 19, 2000.
8Grand Bend – Rowntree Two Cases Unrelated
Patricia O'Driscoll, Rowntree Beach4It’s Over! Attorney General’s Lawsuit against Rowntree
Patricia O'Driscoll, Rowntree Beach4The Lawsuit is Won But Off-Key Melodies Linger On! En Garde!
3The Wasaga Saga — Could It Repeat?
3The Trial
3Myths and Truths About the Shoreline
2Trial Begins May 26, 1993
2Your Cottage Ownership Questioned in Landmark Case