By Cameron Loach, Age 7, Rowntree Beach

August 29, 2008

Today I picked up the garbage on both sides of our concession from the end of the road to the bottom of the hill. I used long tongs. I found a wine bottle so I will get the 20 cents for that. I found a whole pizza box. The biggest pile of garbage was from Tim Horton's - 18 paper cups and a bag. The weirdest thing was a new pink mitt on a hot day. I found a nice china coffee cup that I am keeping. There was a lot of poison ivy right by the side of the road, so I washed my hands as soon as I got home. In 1 hour we collected a full garbage bag. A lady walked by us and asked me my name. She thanked me for picking up litter. Two years ago my grandmother picked up a bag with 4 deer legs thrown into the bush by hunters. Why are people such slobs?