Report on Council:November 14, 2011

November 14, 2011
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –11:38 pm
Confidential closed session: 11:38am –12:35 pm and 1:10 pm – 3:28 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:07 pm -7:43 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart present

Information: County Hires 25 New Employees
There has been a 1.5% increase in the Simcoe County Corporate Services budget due to 25 new staff hired. The majority were Ontario Works Program case management positions.

Information: Beausoleil First Nation Proposes Wind Turbine Project
The Beausoleil First Nation has been approved for funding under the Aboriginal renewable Energy fund program to study the feasibility of the development of an industrial wind turbine power project for the northwest side of Christian Island. The Chief and Council have duly informed Tiny Council. Council resolved to acknowledge their letter and begin a dialogue, and to find out whether Tiny has any jurisdiction.

OPP Contract
Doug Luker, the CAO, presented a report to Council subsequent to the visit by senior OPP officers at the October 31 meeting. The officers had pointed out that Tiny has two options for OPP services, either continuing the current year-to-year arrangement under Section 5.1 of the Police Services Act or engaging in a 5-year contract under Section 10.0. The report costed out only the Section 10 option. In a recorded 3-2 vote (with Mayor Miller and Councillor Wishart in favour) the 3 other Councillors voted against engaging in a 5-year contract with the OPP under Section 10.

Blocks 44 & 45 Tiny Beaches Road North
Tiny Beaches Road has never been adequately surveyed in the Ardmore Beach area and Ontario Hydro, Bell, Rogers and Enbridge do not have easements along this portion of the road. This means that properties on the western side of blocks 44 & 45 cannot be serviced Wyewhich brings up the question of why building permits were issued if the lots can’t be serviced. There is also a municipal drain 8’ inside the block impacting an owner’s driveway. A report from Henk Blom was received for information and Council directed staff to enter into discussions to rectify the problem and transfer necessary property to the Township.

Sixth Street Balm Beach
Council directed Henk Blum to clear a 1.5 metre wide walking path from Sixth Street for easier access to the beach since Tiny owns the 20’ wide path to the beach.

Wyevale Park Master Plan
In his report to Council from The Parks and Recreation Committee, Councillor Wishart remarked that this park requires some reconfiguring. There have been requests for soccer pitches; the school right beside it has needs and there is no community centre. Ideally the park could coordinate plans with the trail system that runs through it. There is also the option of moving the rink and putting a cover over it. In order to seek funding from Trillium to help cover the costs of these options Wyevale would have to have a park Master Plan. Council directed staff to prepare a cost estimate for the study, to be discussed in the 2012 Budget Meetings.

CBO Park
The Cawaja Balm Ossossane (CBO) Parks and Recreation Association was reorganized with Jim Clause, President. CBO is interested in getting the community park operating as an active park. Mayor Millar stated that Council could be persuaded with a sound business case to change the status of the park. It became passive because it wasn’t being used. Under the present status the municipality doesn’t mow or repair anything on park land. At the moment staff is working on developing a master plan to present at budget time.

Georgian Bay Snowriders Club
The club requested a longer term for the land use agreement between the club and the municipality. Council only agreed to a 1 year contract to allow the newly formed Tiny Trails Sub-Committee to come up to speed. The Committee will develop long term plans for multi-use trails. The Club also suggested that they assume responsibility for maintenance along the 160 km trail in lieu of their annual $1,000 donation.

Bluewater Dunes Advisory Committee
Mayor Miller stated that council needed a report from the Joint Health and Safety Committee as to the safety of the maintenance workers traveling to the pump house because of the location of where the snow is dumped. Maintenance staff will look at the premature closing of a section of boardwalk up to Nicole Blvd behind the pump house. They are also looking at liability for maintaining and not maintaining the boardwalk.

Review of the FoTTSA Letter on the McMahan Subdivision
The letter from FoTTSA to the Mayor and Council was forwarded to staff for input. An OMB hearing is scheduled to reconcile the developer’s proposal for 51 lots with the County’s limit of 20 lots and the Federation’s contention there should be zero lots
because the property is in an Area of Scientific and Natural Interest (ANSI). FoTTSA will be seeking party status because of the precedent this could set.

Time Limit to be Sought for Long-Standing Draft Approved Subdivisions
There are three subdivisions in Tiny (in addition to the McMahan Woods subdivision) that were approved between 1990 and 1997 without a time limit being set as to when the approval would expire in the absence of the development taking place. Since that time, Tiny’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law have undergone significant changes, to which the proposed developments may not conform. Section 51(32) of the Planning Act allows an approval authority to impose a condition that a draft plan of subdivision lapses not less than three years from the approval date.
It was moved by Deputy Mayor Lawrence, seconded by Councillor Claire, and carried 5-0, that the Township solicitor be directed to send a letter to the County of Simcoe, the approval authority for plans of subdivision in the Township of Tiny, requesting that all three draft subdivision plan approvals be amended to reflect a three-year lapsing time.
The subdivisions are:
* the Sokol/Downer Plan of Subdivision, in Part Lot 22, Concession 5 (Part 1, 51R-22943), draft approved on September 26, 1990;
* the Montebello Beach Development Plan of Subdivision, in Part Broken Lot 21, Concession 5, draft approved on January 25,1993;
* and the Ontario Potato Distributing Plan of Subdivision, in Part Lot 18, Concession 16, draft approved on September 2, 1997.