FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meeting March 21, April 6 and 27, 2022

Committee of the Whole: April 6, 2022: 9:21 a.m. – 12:13 p.m. and April 27, 2022:
9:50 a.m. – 1:02 p.m.
Regular Meeting of Council: April 6, 2022: 9:00 a.m. – 9:16 a.m. and April 27: 2022:
9:00 a.m. – 9:38 a.m.
Special Meeting of Council: March 21, 2022: 4:00 p.m. – 5:13 p.m.
Attendance: March 21, all present; April 6 meetings Councillor John Bryant absent; April 27 meetings, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma absent

• Candidate Nomination Period – Monday, May 2 to Friday, August 19, 2022 at
2:00 p.m. by in person-appointment with the Clerk’s Department
• Visit to ensure you are on the Voters’ List for the 2022
Municipal Election on Monday, October 24, 2022
• Special Virtual Meeting of Council re proposed New Zoning By-law – Tuesday,
June 14, 2022, 4:00 p.m.
• Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament, Orr Lake Golf Club – Friday, June 17, 2022
• Community BBQ, Perkinsfield Park – Saturday, July 23, 2022
• E-billing for Property Tax Bills now available. Visit to
complete the enrollment form and submit it by email to
• Subscribe to CivicWeb to receive direct notification of e-agenda publications
• Visit the Township’s COVID-19 webpage at for
municipal impacts and updates
• Tiny Connect – Sign up at

meeting on March 21, Council decided to disband the STR Accommodation Task
Force. A special virtual Committee of the Whole meeting was scheduled for May 11
at 7:00 p.m. to consider the Task Force’s work to date.

REFORM GRAVEL MINING COALITION: On April 6, 2022, David Jeffery of the Reform
Gravel Mining Coalition asked Council to support his group’s request to the
provincial government for a moratorium on new and expanded aggregate/gravel
mining permits until a better process for approvals and oversight of this industry can
be put in place. He argued that gravel mining has numerous negative impacts on
surrounding communities, that gravel mining contributes to urban sprawl and
greenhouse gas emissions in Ontario and that Ontario’s current application process
for gravel mining is flawed in several important ways. For the complete presentation,
see the Committee of the Whole Agenda for April 6.
On April 27, Council passed the following motion:

THAT the deputation from David Jeffrey, Reform Gravel Mining Coalition regarding a
request for support for a moratorium on new and expanding aggregate permits, be
AND THAT Council supports a delegation request to the Ministry of Northern
Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry and the Ministry of
Environment, Conservation and Parks at the 2022 Association of Municipalities of
Ontario Conference regarding this subject matter, specifically the aggregate permit
and notification process and a tax assessment review of aggregate companies.
(Ratification of the motion was delayed until May 18.)

This motion puts no pressure on the provincial government prior to the June 2
provincial election.

Engineering provided Council with a status report on last summer’s reinspection
program which covered Balm Beach, Thunder Beach and Giant’s Tomb Island. Of the
1,427 completed inspections, 97 were found to be deficient. More deficiencies will be
discovered as outstanding septic tank reports (998) are submitted by property
owners. The most frequent problem (16) was root intrusions into the leaching bed
area. Also surprisingly frequent were indications of vehicles parking or driving on the
septic tank or leaching bed (9), fire pits dug into the surface of the leaching beds (8),
old and deficient grey water systems (8), locked gates that meant a property could
not be accessed for inspection (7), presence of unknown pipes leaving structures that
needed confirmation of their purpose. There were lesser numbers of other
Tatham continued to do follow up work on deficiencies that hadn’t been
rectified from earlier reinspection programs. Where such deficiencies still persist in
fall 2022, their files will be referred to the bylaw department to proceed with charges
for failing to comply with an order.
This year’s reinspections will be done in the Woodland, Edmore and Deanlea
Beach shoreline areas up to Concession 5.

Most of these are to receive $1,000, $2,000, or $2,500. Those singled out to receive
more are noted:
Angels with Backpacks
BCG North Simcoe
Big Brothers Big Sisters of North Simcoe
CLH Foundation
Gateway Centre for Learning
Hospice Huronia ($4,300)
Humanitarian Relief for the Citizens of Ukraine ($10,000)
Huronia Community Foundation
Independent Living Services Simcoe County
Midland Public Library
Penetanguishene Public Library
Quest Art School + Gallery ($3,000)
Scientists in School ($5,000)
Sistema Huronia Music Academy
We Are the Villagers
Wendat Community Programs
Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre
These amounts are based on a fundraising target of $50,000.

DRAFT ZONING BY-LAW UPDATE: This is a work in progress. On April 27, 2022, Wes
Crown of MHBC Planning reported that the first draft of the New Zoning By-law was
released for public review and comment in February. Two virtual Public Open Houses
were held in March and written comments were received until March 17. Technical
Memorandum #3 (appended to the Report) considered comments received from 100
individuals and groups and then recommended refinements to the First Draft. Many
of the comments concerned short term rentals, backyard chickens, and additional
residential units.
MHBC recommended that, for the time being, the issue of STRs continue to
be represented by a place holder. Regarding backyard chickens, MHBC
recommended that Council pass a 3-year temporary use by-law that permits the
keeping of up to 4 chickens in residential zones, subject to strict licensing
requirements. Re additional residential units, the report raised the issue of adequate
water supply.
The next step is preparation of Draft #2 which will update the First Draft. The
updates are be presented in a Tracked Changes Version and in a clean version. Both
versions would be posted to the project’s webpage. Next Steps?
– Release of Draft #2 – May 2022
– Statutory Public Meeting – June 2022
– Council approval – July/August 2022
Comments are still welcome.

WOODLAND BEACH OWNERSHIP ISSUE: In January 2022, Council received a request
from Tara Jaegar asking the Township to assist in determining the ownership of the
beach just north of Wasaga Beach. Council asked staff to look into the matter.
Hitherto, the Township position has been that it does not get involved in beach
ownership matters where the property is not within the current Township land
ownership inventory.
Only three members of Council took a position on this. Mayor Cornell and
Councillor Wishart voted against using taxpayers’ money to pursue the issue given
that the parcel of land is not within the township’s current land inventory and also
that every beach ownership issue is unique. Councillor Hastings felt that at some
point the township should investigate out of concern for beach access for backlot
owners and that money should be allocated for investigating the matter in the next
budget. Deputy Mayor Walma was absent and Councillor Bryant declared a conflict
of interest. In his report on the matter, CAO Lamb recommended that no further
action be taken.
The CAO’s full report (CAO-004-22), which includes important documents
regarding beach ownership, is available in the CoW Agenda for 27 April 2022.