FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings April 7, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 2021

April 7, 14, 20, 22, 26, 28, 2021

Committee of the Whole Meeting: April 7, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 3:56 p.m. and April 28, 2021: 9:00 a.m. – 2:57 p.m.

Regular Meeting of Council: April 7, 2021: 6:00 – 6:51 p.m. and April 28, 2021: 3:37 p.m. – 3:44 p.m.

Special Meeting of Council: April 14, 2021: 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. closed session to hear Jim McIntosh and John Barzo of Barriston Law re updates on various legal matters.

Special Meeting of Council: April 20: 4:00 – 6:15 p.m.

Special Meeting of Council: April 22: 1:31 – 3:14 p.m.: closed session to hear Sarah Hahn, of Barriston Law LLP, regarding the Leave to Appeal the Permit to Take Water granted to CRH for the Teedon Pit.

Special Meeting of Council: April 26: 8:04 a.m. – 10:41: closed session regarding matters subject to solicitor-client privilege.

All members of Council present. However, on April 7, Deputy Mayor Walma vacated the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 9:44 a.m. and returned at 1:00 p.m. and on April 28, he vacated the Committee of the Whole Meeting at 1:18 and returned at 1:30 p.m.


  • Virtual Town Hall – Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
  • Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament (to raise $50,000) – September 10, 2021, at the Orr Lake Golf Club
  • Visit the Township’s COVID-19 webpage at for municipal service impacts and updates
  • Tiny Connect – Sign up now at

GROUNDWATER PRESENTATION BY DR. WILLIAM SHOTYK AND DR. MICHAEL POWELL: In his April 7 deputation to Council, Dr. William Shotyk focused his comments on water quality. He described the abundant flowing artesian springs of Huronia, said that the Ouendats’ word for the area meant “the lands that exude water,” described the extraordinary cleanness of the water both ancient and recent in scientific terms, and said that the reason the water is so clean is filtration by vegetation, soil, sand, and aggregate. The study he and a team of scientists are about to undertake has as its objective understanding how the filtration that produces this extraordinary water works.

Dr. Michael Powell spoke about the geology of the area (showing diagrams of the situation below ground) and the need to understand its complexities. The science team intends to drill special wells. Their overall objective is to effect changes in policy at all levels of government. They are applying for a major NSERC Alliance Grant this fall. Both men invited the township to become a partner whereby it would receive the data amassed by the project through a liaison person so that scientific discoveries could inform policy on resource use.

COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE: At this same April 7 meeting, Council decided to continue a three-week rotation of regular meetings until the end of June.

COVID PARKING RESTRICTIONS: The restrictions put in place last year are to be implemented again this year.  These are designed to give residents priority access to the township’s public beaches and to address physical distancing concerns. So, from April 15 to October 15, 2021,

  • All metered parking is unavailable
  • All open parking spots in beach areas are unavailable
  • Beach area parking is only available to annual parking permit holders (available to Tiny Residents and a limited number of residents of Midland, Penetanguishene, Springwater and Tay)
  • Vehicles parked illegally in public beach areas will be ticketed and towed
  • 30-minute maximum parking spaces at Balm Beach will continue to be available without a parking permit to allow for curbside pick-up and take-out orders.


UPDATED NOISE BY-LAW: This is to include an increase in Noise Set Fines (from $150 to $300), a $500 minimum fine for repeat offences, new definitions for domestic tools and lawn maintenance equipment and prohibited times (9pm to 8am Monday to Friday and 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. Saturday, Sunday and Statutory Holidays). It also authorized a Noise Enforcement Campaign for 2021 to increase awareness and encourage compliance.


THE SARJEANT COMPANY’S PERMIT TO TAKE WATER: Council directed staff to prepare a formal written objection to the application for a PTTW by the Sarjeant Company for its property adjacent to the Teedon Pit, citing arguments and environmental concerns, to be delivered to the Environmental Registry of Ontario, MPP Jill Dunlop, Premier Doug Ford, and MECP prior to the deadline of April 23, 2021.


JACKSON PARK BOAT LAUNCH: The non-resident vehicle and trailer daily parking fee is to be $40, and staff is to report back on a pilot program for the 2021 season including staffing a kiosk with a summer student for the purpose of controlling traffic and collecting boat launch fees, as well as hours of operation and a communication strategy regarding the proposed changes.


CHURCH IN THE PINES: Sunday morning services in Church in the Pines are to resume, provided that all provincial regulations and Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit guidelines related to COVID-19 are followed.


PARKING AND EMERGENCY ACCESS ROADS: In November, after considering a report on parking, Council approved the conversion of open parking in the vicinity of Peek-a-boo Trail and part of Champlain Road to permit parking. Subsequently, inspection by By-law, Emergency Services, and Public Works revealed emergency vehicle access issues in the area. Council agreed that the roads in question should be returned to open parking and adjustments made to signage in the area regarding Emergency Access Roads.

Similar inspection of Seneca Cres, Tomahawk Cres, Seguin Cres, Manitou Cres, Couchiching Cres, Iroquois Cres, Coppercliff Cres and Chippewa Cres, also revealed emergency access issues. All these crescents are to become Emergency Access Roads and appropriate signage is to be installed.

Hereafter, at Councillor Mintoff’s suggestion, changes to parking are to be vetted by Emergency Services before coming to Council.


THE SARJEANT COMPANY’S APPLICATION FOR A PERMIT TO TAKE WATER: At a Special Meeting of Council on April 20, 2021, Council and staff heard an open deputation by four academic scientists involved in planning a groundwater study in an area centred on the gravel pits in Concession 1 of Tiny Township.

Dr. Michael Powell (U. of Alberta) described what Sarjeant had done to the area around Waverley Pit No. 2 at 139 Baseline Road South. The area has been stripped of the trees and soils that filter the area’s groundwater.

Dr. Ian Clark (U. of Ottawa) spoke about the age and quality of the area’s groundwater. The distal groundwater is approximately 2-4,000 years old and is pristine while the proximal (young) water near French’s Hill shows recent contamination. He was concerned that increased activity in the area would impact the young groundwater.

Dr. John Cherry (U. of Guelph) noted that quarry operations, as a general guideline, should not be located near recharge areas. He observed that the area is environmentally sensitive.

Dr. Shotyk (U. of Alberta) noted that digging should not occur in recharge areas until the impact on the water is determined. Landowners in the area have told him that their artesian wells no longer flow or that sediment has appeared in their water.

The agenda of the meeting was to hear a presentation by Dave Hopkins (Senior Hydrologist at R.J. Burnside & Associates) regarding the Sarjeant Company’s application for a Permit to Take Water. He raised many questions about the application.


SHORT TERM RENTALS: At the April 28 meeting of Council, six individuals who rent their cottages or who manage STRs for a number of owners made deputations to Council, all interested in serving on an advisory committee regarding STRs. Council then had a wide-ranging discussion of matters that need to be considered when creating a draft STR By-law and a code of conduct.

CAO Lamb brought discussion to a close by observing that staff had been working on a draft that would incorporate points raised by Council and which would be run by township lawyers to make sure that it could be enforced. It would be presented to Council on May 19.

FoTTSA Notes: Action at last?


PROJECTED UNAUDITED 2020 YEAR END FINANCIAL SUMMARY: Haley Leblond, Director of Finance/Treasurer since April 6, 2021, explained some of the difficulties in preparing such a summary when COVID impacted so many aspects of township finances. She concluded: “Staff have done their best to include … the estimated direct and indirect costs which will be offset with the COVID relief funding once the methodology from the Province has been provided.” Inevitably adjustments had to be made and will continue to be made in 2021.


TAXES: The last two installments of this year’s taxes are due on June 25 and September 24. The total levied is $30,888,990. Of this $12,897,222 supports the Township, $11,360,110 the County of Simcoe, and $6,631,658 Education.


BEACHFRONT PROPERTY DELINEATION: This is a multi-year project. The listed properties are to be surveyed, encroachments identified, and decisions reached about the encroachments and about complicated boundaries. Letters will be sent to abutting landowners, and demarcation posts will be installed a foot inside the municipal property boundary. Small signs are to be affixed to the posts facing the municipal land displaying the township logo. The properties to be delineated this summer are:

  • Lafontaine Beach Park, north boundary
  • Wahnekewening Beach, all boundaries
  • Bluewater Beach, north and south boundaries
  • Concession 9/Ossossane Beach, all boundaries from Lundy Lane to Concession 9
  • Woodland Beach, south boundary
  • Jacksons Park, north boundary
  • Edmore Beach, all boundaries
  • Archer Road Allowance, all boundaries
  • 42 Lackie Crescent, all boundaries
  • 10 Nassau Court, all boundaries
  • 1880 Tiny Beaches Road North, waterfront boundaries


SOLAR RADAR SIGN PLACEMENT: Speeding is a major issue in Tiny. Staff intends to paint “40 km” on Balm Beach Road between the go carts and the beach as a reminder to drivers. Three solar radar signs are currently in place on Military Road at Andrew Drive, Tiny Beaches Road South at Lorrie Crescent, and TBRS at South Street. The decision was taken to place three new solar radar signs on Balm Beach Rd W at Albert Avenue, on Thunder Beach Road at Green Point Road, and at #1371 Champlain Road.


NON-RESIDENT PARKING PERMITS: Council originally allocated 225 permits for the use of residents of neighbouring municipalities. Sale was to commence on April 1. The number applied for exceeded the cap of 225. A lottery is to be held for another 25 permits, bringing the total up to 250.