Understanding that short-term rentals (STRs) were a topic of great concern to many readers, in November 2019 FoTTSA sent out an anonymous survey on STRs via email to The Tiny Cottager/FoTTSA Flash opt-in email list, composed mostly of full-time and seasonal residents of Tiny. We also posted a link to the survey on social media and our website. We received an overwhelming response, with 395 readers filling in the survey and over 130 taking time to add written comments. Below you can find the full results including all the original comments, the deputation prepared for Tiny Council, the template for our suggested Guide for Guests and the direct link to the recently created page about STRs on the Township’s website. Thank you to all those who participated.

FoTTSA Deputation to Council August 2022

Short Term Rentals Summary June 2022

Tony Mintoff Deputation to Council April 2022

Midland Today: Letter – STRs causing neighbourhood ‘erosion’ in Tiny Township – April 2022

FoTTSA Deputation May 25th, 2020 via Zoom

STR Survey Complete Final Results December 2019

FoTTSA Presentation to Tiny Council 

FoTTSA Guide for Guests Template

Tiny Township Short Term Rental Page

Midland Today – Tiny’s short-term rental survey garners 700 responses

Midland Mirror – ‘It is really changing neighbourhoods’: Tiny Township crafting bylaw to regulate short-term rentals

Midland Today – Council laying groundwork to regulate short-term rentals in Tiny

FOCA – Responsible Cottage Renting