Report on Council: May 14 and 28, 2018

May 14 and 28, 2018:
Committee of the Whole Meetings: May 14, 2018: 9:00 a.m. – 3:47 p.m. and May 28, 2018: 9:00 a.m. – 5:02 p.m.
Regular Meetings of Council: May 14, 2018: 4:30 p.m. – 4:42 p.m.; and May 28, 2018: 6:07 p.m. – 6:22 p.m.
All members of Council present for all meetings.


Jackson Park Public Boat Launch now open
June 19 & 21, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Senior Symposium, Tiny Township Community Centre
July 11, 2018, 7 p.m. – Official Plan Public Meeting, Tiny Township Community Centre (Draft 3 of the Update should be available on very soon.
July 12-15, 2018 – Festival du Loup, Lafontaine
July 13, 2018 – Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament and Dinner, Brooklea Golf & Country Club
July 21, 2018, 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Community BBQ, Perkinsfield Park
August 12, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Balm Beach Family Fun Day


  • Kristie Czovek has become Communications/Committee Coordinator
  • Pamela Zimmerman has become Planning & Development Administrative Assistant


In a deputation on April 30, Herb Huck of the Farlain Lake Community Association reminded Council about the appearance of EWM in Farlain Lake and his Association’s continuing efforts to eradicate it. This year the association is applying for a Trillium grant to construct proper Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting equipment and train community divers. They also intend to use a targeted aquatic herbicide and mats to kill the plants. The “ask” is $8,000 each year for three years. On May 14, Council decided to grant funding of $8,000. The next Council will have to be approached for future funds.

TRANS CANADA TRAIL FUNDING – Trail and Concession 2E Bridge:

The Township was selected to receive funding for two of three proposed projects through the Trans Canada Trail, namely the rehabilitation of the Concession 2E Bridge and trail surface upgrades between Concession 3 and the Township Line.

Council decided to accept $30,000 funding for the surface upgrades (crushed limestone) and also $62,000 for partial rehabilitation of the bridge, both sums representing 35% of total costs. Council also agreed that the Township would contribute the remaining 65%. Over the next ten years, the Heritage Advisory Committee is to attempt to raise the funds required for the Township’s share of the monies required to rehabilitate the bridge.


Anne Egan of Burnside & Associates submitted a chronological update of activities undertaken by the Township regarding septage during the current Council’s period in office. This included the appointment of a study team led by Burnside & Associates to evaluate options open to Tiny for managing its septage. The team approached and reported on possible partnerships with the five municipalities that border the township and on moves made by the County of Simcoe regarding septage. There was correspondence and discussion with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change asking whether the Ministry would consider ending the practice of land application in Tiny if an alternative facility were established. From this, the Township learned that the MOECC would be undertaking a policy and program review for hauled sewage (septage) and Tiny was represented by Anne Egan and Councillor Cindy Hastings on the MOECC’s Hauled Sewage Policy & Program Review Working Group that met twice in 2017. Right now, Tiny is waiting to hear from MOECC about its proposed policy approach.

For the complete chronological update regarding septage, see the May 14, 2018 Committee of the Whole Agenda, Staff Reports to Council, Public Works.


A letter written by Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Officer of Health, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, regarding West Nile Virus noted that the Township is not an area of concern and that the Health Unit will continue its monitoring of the area.


Council set objectives and time lines for and made decisions about many matters concerning the five major shore parks – surveying park boundaries, dealing with encroachments, prohibition of smoking, signage, hours of use for parking and beach, environmental signage, rules about BBQs, dogs, and several other matters.

At Balm Beach and 5 Parkside Drive, BBQs are forbidden and the By-law prohibiting dogs has been revised to include the recently purchased beach in front of the Surf Restaurant.

Staff is to report back on the cost and timing of the surveying of Bluewater Beach and on the cost and implications of posting a municipal law enforcement officer full-time at Trew Avenue. In addition an Accessible parking space is to be installed on Trew Avenue, as are a radar trailer and traffic counter, and the Trew Avenue roadway and beach are to be surveyed.