And the Winners Are…

And the Winners Are…

Our combined efforts have raised almost $30,000 for the Huronia Hospitals Foundation capital fundraising campaign this year!

Shore area associations and beaches responded enthusiastically to the Huronia Hospitals’ need for capital. Seventeen shore groups raised funds to help reorganize Emergency, acquire digital imaging, and improve the Rehabilitation Facility. To date, they have raised almost $30,000, almost twice as much as in the first year of The Tiny Cottager Challenge Cup competition. Congratulations to all who participated – Addison, Bluewater Georgina Wendake, Cawaja, Cedar Point, Deanlea, Edmor/Georgian Heights, Kettle’s, Kingswood Acres, North Tiny, Nottawaga, Pennorth, Rochelle, Rowntree, Thunder Beach, Wahnekewening, Woodland, and Wymbolwood!
On Thanksgiving weekend, The Tiny Cottager Challenge Cup will be present to the three associations that made an exceptional effort – Nottawaga for raising by far the largest sum, Addison for the highest “small association” average donation per household, and Wahnekewening for the highest “large association” average donation per household.
For details, see