Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft!

Tiny Gets Not So Tiny Shaft!

It’s a Shocker! Call 1-800-461-4230 or (705) 728-2270 or fax- (705) 728-3077 to learn what your MVA taxes would be. The dramatic tax increases under Full Market Value across the County makes this option virtually dead.

For Tiny, under Factored MVA, an analysis of 5494 permanent and seasonal properties in the shore areas of Tiny (within a 1/2 mile of the shore) was made and the following information found.

For 3898 backlot properties in the sample: * 3 of 4 (or 72%) would get increases; * 1 in 5 (18%) would get increases between 50% to over 100%.

For the 1596 waterfront properties in the sample: * almost all (94%) would get increases; * almost half of those (45%) get increases from 50% to over 100%.

Real Shockers! * a vacant waterfront lot received a 226% increase * a built upon waterfront lot received a 151% * a backlot received a 502% increase

SCRAM Hotline … 1-800-320-0044 (survey basis: a 65% random sample of all shore areas properties in Tiny Tonwship)