The President’s Message

The President’s Message
By Judith Grant

Welcome back to beautiful Tiny Township and another pleasant summer at the cottage. We have some temptations that might entice you away from the shore. Take a look at the calendar of Events or read the article about Wyebridge and go exploring.

As you’ll see when you dip into this issue of The Tiny Cottager, environmental issues are at the top of everyone’s minds. At least two households that we know of have managed to reduce their carbon footprint and take themselves off the grid – they explain how it was done. Last summer’s inclusive water program appears to show that our swimming water quality is improving. On the other hand, Georgian Bay sport fish are in serious trouble, according to a local fisherman.

The County’s decision to locate a landfill at Site 41 right on top of a very special aquifer inspired some “Dumpsite Musings”. And there’s a response to Bill Johnson’s “Bald Eagle” article by a local naturalist.
Concerns about keeping our shore ecosystems healthy have resulted in a “Caring for Our Beaches” Conference on July 13. We urge at least a couple of representatives from each beach or beach association to attend. See the notice on page 5.

The Province has introduced an important Bill in support of the Sustainable Water Resources Agreement among Ontario, Quebec and eight American Great Lakes states. While the overall thrust of the Bill is encouraging, a huge “exception” may result in lowering Georgian Bay water levels even more than they are now. Read about it – and contact your MPP quickly. The Bill is due to receive final reading soon.

One last environmental matter. Months ago, on hearing that the Wye Marsh Wildlife Centre received no funding from either provincial or federal governments, we decided to invite its executive director to make a presentation at our Annual General Meeting in June. We now hear that the entire future of this much loved, educational facility is in jeopardy because of a change in the Ministry of the Environment’s attitude toward the facility. A letter-writing campaign is under way. For more information, e-mail Margaret Black (Wye Marsh volunteer) at