Who pays the freight?

Who pays the freight?

Twice a year, by mail, you receive, at your permanent residence, a copy of The Tiny Cottager. You and other Tiny taxpayers in the shoreline areas of the township receive the paper FREE of charge. The Tiny Cottager newspaper is published by the Federation, the umbrella association for some 25 member associations in the shoreline areas of the township. Its coverage extends for a quarter to a half mile area inland from the shore around the perimeter of the township — that is the area Tiny township officially describes as Shoreline Residential.

A moment’s reflection will tell you that it costs money to produce and mail the newspaper. Leaving aside the countless hours devoted to The Tiny Cottager’s production by devoted, dedicated volunteers, “pay out” costs such as layout, printing and postage have to be met with cold cash on delivery. Who pays? Where does the money come from? For the most part, the expenditures are covered by our faithful advertisers.

We encourage you to shop at, buy from and patronize our advertisers without them, we would not be able to publish the paper and keep you informed on the news, issues and happenings of Tiny township.

When you do patronize one of our advertisers, please thank them for supporting The Tiny Cottager with their ads. Tell them you saw their ad in this paper.

In addition to the advertisements, the paper also receives donations from readers who say “thank you for a job well done — keep up the good work”. We appreciate the moral and financial support and hope that the cheer leader section will increase in size and the financial support will increase in dollars.

The members’ annual fees only cover the Federation’s usual, ongoing expenditures. Anything in the category of an “extra” (such as initiatives at election time [NOW]) depend upon the generosity and financial support of our readers — without your monetary support, we cannot undertake, on your behalf, any additional endeavours.

As the young college student usually writes in his letters home: “Keep the money coming.”