WELCOME BACK … A warm welcome back to all Tiny Township cottagers

WELCOME BACK … A warm welcome back to all Tiny Township cottagers

You are important. You count. While you may be here only a few
months or just a few weeks a year, you pay 70% of Township taxes — even
though you make minimal use of most of its services and no use of the
educational facilities that 75% of your cottage tax monies go to

We Tiny Township cottagers aren’t an especially wealthy or privileged
lot. We come from all walks of life and professions. However, one
thing we all have in common is our emotional ties to our cottages.
We drive dozens, sometimes hundreds of hours per year to get here.
Often our cottages are a thread of continuity in our lives. In many
families they are passed from one generation to another; familiar,
comfortable and beloved. They provide some of the most important,
most memorable moments of our lives — precious hours of leisure; time
to be with family and friends.

So let’s not think of ourselves as “seasonal residents”. We don’t
just make mortgage or tax payments in summer. We are entitled to be
participants in every aspect of the Tiny Community. That includes such
activities as voting, held at times when so many of us can’t be there
to vote.

If we have earned the right to care about Tiny, then we’ve also taken
on the job of protecting it, and perhaps improving it. In practical
terms, that means staying informed, getting involved, and acting on
issues that concern us.

If we can help you in any way to do this through The Tiny Cottager,
we will have done our job.

Wishing you a great summer, and once again — welcome back!