All the Spring issues are listed first, followed by all the Fall issues.

Spring, 2018 - Issue #51
President’s Message – p.1
Gravel Pit in Concession 1: Water Taking, Expansion – p.1
Spring/Summer Events – p.2
Shoulder to Shoulder at the First Nations’ Water Ceremony – p.3
Report on Council – p.4
An Update on Tiny’s Official Plan – p.5
Sign Up for the 4th Annual Tiny Township Mayor’s Charity Golf
Tournament – p.7
Preventing Microplastic Pollution in the Bay – p.7
Wicked Weeds of the West – p.8
Get Ready for This Fall’s Municipal Election – p.9
Tiny and Penetanguishene: A Major War Hero and His Pioneer
Forebears, Part II – p.10
SSEA Invasive Species Program Update – p.11
Gordon Lightfoot Tribute
Comes to Midland Cultural Centre May 26 – p.12
Grow Your Own Wildflower Magic – p.12
The Bay Studio Tour 2018: Preview – p.13
Bringing the Lafontaine Beach Park Master Plan to Life – p.13
The Boat – p.14
Spring, 2017 - Issue #49

President’s Message – p.1
Farm Fresh Food Fest in North Simcoe – p.1
2017 Events – p.2
Waverley Soldiers’ Monument – p.3
Report on Council – p.4
Cartoon – p.4
Grass Carp – a Threat to Georgian Bay – p.5
If a Tree Falls on My House – p.5
What’s Going On at GBGH? – p.7
GBGHF Reaches Out to Beach Associations – p.7
Tiny’s Council Approves a Tax Increase of 5% in 2017 – p.9
Georgian Bay Great Lakes Foundation – p.10
SSEA Awards for Tiny Residents – p.10
Pull & Plant! – p.11
3rd Annual Tiny Marsh BioBlitz – p.11
Ontario Nature Advocates for Protection of Water & Nature – p.11
Public Libraries – p.12
Recommended Summer Reading – p.13
Parking Strategy – p.14
3rd Annual Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament – p.15
Bridging the Generation Gap @ The Cottage – p.16
Airbnb – p.17
Short Term Rental Issues – p.17
Huronia Municipal Airport – p.18
Keeping the Cottage in the Family – p.19
Spring, 2016 - Issue #47

President’s Message – p.1
Feds Announce Funding to Manage Upper Great Lakes Water Levels – p.1
2016 Events – p.2
For the Love of Monarchs – p.3
Report on Council – p.4
Word Scramble – p.4
Tiny’s Budget Not So Tiny – p.5
Remembering Bill Johnson (1929-2015) – p.5
2016 Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament – p.6
Help for Troubled Youth in Simcoe Muskoka – p.6
Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre – p.6
Balm Beach Now Wheelchair Accessible – p.7
Georgian Bay General Hospital Needs Our Help – p.9
Fire Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility Pt. 2 – p.10
Volunteer Water Sampling – An Important Community Service – p.11
Tiny Residents Win 2015 SSEA Awards – p.12
Help Conserve North Simcoe’s Natural Legacy – p.12
The Big Pull – p.13
Tiny Marsh BioBlitz – p.13
Recommended Summer Reading – p.14
How to Protect Your Small Motors against Ethanol Separation – p.15
Edmor-Georgian Heights: Past, Present & Future (Pt. 2) – p.16
The Wyebridge Tragedy – p.18
Spring, 2015 - Issue #45

President's Message - p.1
Tiny Marsh BioBlitz – p.1
Ensuring Our Water Quality by Tending to Our Environment – pp.1,10
2015 Events – p.2
See What’s in Store at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Midland – p.3
Report on Council - p.4
A Tiny Crossword – p.4
Restore Our Water International - p.5
The Big Pull at Tiny Marsh – p.5
Tiny Township: Spending Trends Since 2000 – p.6
Tiny’s New Council – p.7
Volunteer Efforts to Combat Aquatic Invasive Species Recognized - p.11
Green Ribbon Champions demonstrate Wise Coastal Stewardship – p.12
Phragmites Alert! - p.13
Recommended Summer Reading – p.14
Two Snowbirds in a Florida Village – pp.16-17
The Midland Drive-In – p.18
Bell LTE Wireless Internet - p.19
Spring, 2014 - Issue #43

President's Message - p.1
Municipalities Questioning Impact of OPP Billing Model – p.1
2014 Events – p.2
Time to Check the Quality of Our Swimming Water! - p.3
Report on Council – p.4
Editorial Cartoon – p.4
A Perspective on Council Then and Now
Wise Coastal Stewardship Deserves Recognition – p.6
Recommended Summer Reading – p.7
Asian Carp – Maybe the Next Environmental Threat – p.8
Enthusiasm Mounting for Champlain 2015 Celebrations - p.9
Bill Sweenie Given Award by SSEA – p.10
Restore Our Water International - p.11
Have Fun and Help with Projects at Tiny Marsh – p.12
Parking in Tiny Township – p.12
Children’s Summer Activities in Tiny - p.13
Spring, 2013 - Issue #41

The President's Message - p.1
Finally! IJC Recommends Measures to restore our Water Levels
Septage Management Study PIC - p.1
2013 Events Listing - p.2
Restore Our Water International: ONWARD! - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
Editorial Cartoon - p.4
FoTTSA Actions on Water Levels - p.4
Research to Improve Beaches and Recreational Water Quality - p.5
Recommended Summer Reading – p.7
Woodland Beach History: Part 2 - p.9
Tiny Marsh: A Little-Known Gem - Biological Inventory and The Big Pull - p.10
Restore Our Water International Press Release - p.11
The Birds of Georgian Bay by Bob Whittam - p.12
10th Annual Tiny Cottager Challenge - p.13
Township of Tiny Golf Tournament and Dinner - p.13
Update: Septage Management Study Class EA - p.14
The Multiplier Effect of Buying Locally - p.15
Local Author Shares a Passion for Huronia’s History - p.15
Summer Activities for Children - p.17
Spring, 2012 - Issue #39

The President's Message - p.1
Dead Fish and Fowl Litter Tiny's Beaches - p.1
2012 Events Listing - p.2
How I Came to Live or Cottage in Tiny: Personal Histories - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
Editorial Cartoon - p.4
"Bears and Lynx in Tiny? Believe it!" - p.5
The Huronia Land Conservancy - p.5
Remembering Charlie Gamble - p.5
Recommended Summer Reading - p.7
Invasive Plants Still a Threat - p.9
Huge Disappointment - p.9
Tiny's Maple Trees Threatened - p.9
Join the "Big Pull" at Tiny Marsh - p.9
Faith and Fortitude – Churches in Tiny - p.10
Georgian Bay General Hospital - LEAN and Focused for You - p.12
9th Annual Tiny Cottager Challenge - p.13
Is Tiny Township Being Over-Developed? - p.15
Summer Activities For Children - p.17
Spring, 2011 - Issue #37

The President's Message - p.1
The Joys of Kite Boarding - p.1
2011 Events - p.2
Join the Big Pull at Tiny Marsh - p.3
Why Are Our Water Levels So Low? - p.4
Editorial Cartoon - p.4
Soaring Hydro Costs - pp. 4, 12
A Report on Georgian Bay Forever's "Vital Signs" Conference - pp. 5-6
Sonnet for Hydro One - p.5
Letter to the Editor - p.5
Recommended Summer Reading - p.7
The Log Cabin That Ridley Built - p.9
White Sweet Clover Removal - p.11
BTiny Cottager Challenge - p.13
New Science for More Accurate and Timely Swimming Advisories - p.14
Report on Council - p.15-17
Champlain Celebrations Are Coming - p.18
Spring, 2010 - Issue #35

The President's Message - p. 1
Study Suggests Roundup® Safe for Use against Phragmites - pp. 1, 18
2010 Events - p. 2
BGW Beach Beginnings - p. 3
Site 41 - The Saga Continues - p. 4
Editorial Cartoon - p. 4
Low Water Levels - p. 4
Ronald H. Fawcett - p. 4
So, 2009 was NOT the Year of Infrastructure Spending in Tiny! - p. 5
Report on Council - pp. 5, 17
Letters - p. 5
Tiny's "Legacy" Dumpsites - pp. 7-8
Recommended Summer Reading - p. 9
This Year's Municipal Election in Tiny - p. 9
Champlain's 400th Anniversary in Tiny - p. 11
Where Birds Shouldn't Fly - p. 13
FoTTSA Members Support Worthwhile Causes - p. 15
Spring, 2009 - Issue #33

The President's Message
The Nottawasaga River Plume
2009 Events
The Five Crosses of Tiny Township
Report on Council
Thank You, Bob
Tiny's Official Plan under Review
2009–The Year of Infrastructure Spending in Tiny
Invasive Phragmites australis Workshop
Wind Turbine Visual Impact Study Report
The Middle Ages Return
Woodland's Candlelight Christmas
The Dance Halls of Tiny Township
Spring Clean The Greener Way
Fall, 2018 - Issue #52
President’s Message – p.1
Teedon Pit Update – p.1
Fall/Winter Events – p.2
Shifting Real Estate Trends – p.4
Chris Figgures’ Cartoon – p.4
Report Card: Tiny Township Council 2014-218 – p.4
Opinion – Front Lot Owners Check Your Title – p.5
FoTTSA’s Response to O.P. Draft 3 – p.5
In Fond Memory of Richard Hinton – p.7
Tiny Cottager Reader Surveys – p.8
Volunteering on a Township Committee – p.9
2018 Municipal Election Special – p.10-12
Your Vote Matters – p.12
Care and Feeding of Your Septic System – p.13
Grass Carp Invasion? – p.14
2018 Water Sampling Report – p.15
Snapchat – p.17
Tiny Youth Drop-in Program – p.17
4th Annual Mayor’s Golf Tournament – p.18
Maker Space at Midland Library – p.19
Fall, 2017 - Issue #50
President’s Message – p.1
Nitrate Testing 2017: The Results Are In – p.1
Fall/Winter Events – p.2
Report on Council – p.4
Cartoon – p.4
FoTTSA Presentation on Tiny Township Official Plan Update – p.5
A Major War Hero and His Pioneer Forebears: Part One – p.6
Mayor’s Golf Tournament Raises $60,000 for Local Charities – p.7
18 Tips for Closing Your Property for the Season – p.8
Invasive Species Management Success Story – p.9
How Farlain Lake Raised Money to Combat Eurasian Watermilfoil – p.9
Meet GBGH’s New President Gail Hunt – p.10
Early Days at Cove Beach – p.11
Parking Strategy – Round II – p.12
Snow Buntings: Watch for These Winter Visitors – p.12
Bridging the Generation Gap @the cottage with Social Media – p.12
Return of the Bluewater Dunes Wetlands – p.14
50th Issue of the Tiny Cottager – p.15
Fall, 2016 - Issue #48

President’s Message – p.1
Mayor’s Golf Tournament Raises $37,000 – p.1
Expanded Greenbelt Would Help Protect our Water Resources – p.1
Fall/Winter Events – p.2
Running the Tiny Trail
A Big Gem for Runners, Hikers and Other Outdoor Enthusiasts – p.3
Report on Council – p.4
Chris Figgures’ Cartoon – p.4
Controlling Common Reed (Phragmites):
Wymbolwood Beach Research Project - p.4
GBGH: Are Its Troubles Now Over? – p.7
A History of Cedar Point – p.8
Swimming Water Quality Reassuring
Thank You Volunteers! – p.9
The War on Invasive Species – p.10
Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament 2016 – p.11
The Pilot Parking Strategy to Date – p.12
Keep Wild Animals Wild – p.12
Woodland Beach Celebrates Launch of Its History Book – p.13
Where Does Our Organic Recycling Go? – p.14
Fall, 2015 - Issue #46

President's Message - p.1
Champlain Returns to Penetanguishene – p.1
First French Mass Commemorated – p.1
Thank You Al! – p.3
Welcome Michelle Rogers - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
Chris Figgures’ Cartoon – p.4
Emerald Ash Borer an Unwelcome Arrival in Simcoe County 
2015 Budget Report – p.6
Tiny Township’s Use of Financial Reserves – p.7
Edmor-Georgian Heights:
Past, Present & Future (Pt.1) – p.8
The New Member-Driven Priorities for Our Federation - p.9
Fire Safety Is Everyone’s Responsibility – p.10
Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament 2015 – pp.11
Restore Our Water International – p.12
Progress Towards a Strategic and an Updated Official Plan for Tiny - p.13
Fall, 2014 - Issue #44

President's Message - p.1
The Bluewater Foxtrot – p.1
Pulling Together to Fight Eurasian Watermilfoil – p.2
"Giving Thanks" at My Uncle Jack's Log Cabin - p.3
Report on Council – p.4
Editorial Cartoon – p.4
Jack Barry Ellis - Thank You! - p.4
Recent Developments on Parking Strategy in Tiny – p.5
Climate Change Impacts Tiny's Streams – p.5
Election 2014 Special – pp.5-8
Water Levels Are Up But... - p.9
Georgian Bay General Hospital Update – p.10
Woodland Beach History Day - p.11
Phragmites: The Battle Continues – p.12
Fall, 2013 - Issue #42

The President's Message - p.1
Council Wrestles with Environmental and Tax Implications of Septage Disposal in Tiny - p.1
Local Artist Keeps Us Smiling – p.2
Overflow Attendance at July 6 Low Water Levels Mtg- p.3
The Wolf Is Still at the Door - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
Editorial Cartoon - p.4
Controlling Phragmites – a Cottager Reports Success - p.4
Water Levels Background - p.7
Giant Hogweed: A Potentially Injurious Invader - p.8
Seiche or Slosh? - p.8
The Movie Star with a Wyebridge Connection - p.9
Monarch Butterflies – The News is Not All Bad! - p.9
Strong Community Commitments Are Building You a Strong Hospital - p.10
The Tiny Cottager Challenge - p.10
Great Lakes Week 2013 - p.11
A Night On The Town – and other events - p.13
Fall, 2012 - Issue #40

The President's Message - p.1
IJC Hold Hearings on Water Levels - p.1
2011 Tiny Cottager Cup Presentation - p.2
Faith and Fortitude - Churches in Tiny– cont’d - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
ditorial Cartoon - p.4
Follow-on Strategy Needed to Restore Our Water Levels - p.4
Septage: Outhouse to Doghouse - p.5
Woodland Beach History – p.7
OMB Update: McMahan Woods - p.8
How I Came to Live or Cottage in Tiny: Personal Histories - p.9
Memories are Made of This - p.10
Paul Cowley – FoTTSA’s New President - p.10
The End of a Love Story - p.11
S.S. Keewatin Comes Home - p.13
Fall, 2011 - Issue #38

The President's Message - p.1
Thank You Judith! - p.1
Winter Activities in Tiny - p.2
How I Came to Live or Cottage in Tiny - p.3
Report on Council - p.4
Editorial Cartoon - p.4
After All Those Water Level Studies, What Now? - p.5
IJC May Open the Door to Regulation of Water Levels on Georgian Bay - p.5
The Log Cabin that Ridley Built (part 2) - p.6
Frank Ridley's Cabin: Repairing & Chinking the Exterior Logs (pdf)
- online supplement to printed article
The One That Didn't Get Away - p.8
Too Many Canada Geese! - p.7
Excitement Building for Champlain 2015 Celebrations - p.10
Tankless Water Heaters: Will They Save You Money? - p.11
OPP's New Commander - p.13
Nitrate Testing 2011 - p.13
The Woes of Wireless Internet - p.14
Fall, 2010 - Issue #36

Many Spouses, Tenants & Multiple Owners Omitted from the Voters List! - p. 1
The Wye Marsh - p. 2
Our Roadsides as Garbage Dumps: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly - p. 3
Report on Council - p. 4
Editorial Cartoon - p. 4
Invasive Species Field Trips - p. 5
Nitrate Testing – Is Your Well Water Safe? – p. 5
Wireless High Speed Internet Update - p. 5
- Candidates Tiny Election 2010
- President's Message: Our Recommendations for Tiny's Next Council and How We Arrived at Them
- Recommended Candidate Profiles
Early Days at Nottawaga Beach - p. 11
Celebrate the Harvests of Tiny - p. 13
Fall, 2009 - Issue #34

The President's Message - p. 1
Dump Site 41 (1979-2009) R.I.P. - pp. 1, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Champlain Made History in Tiny - p. 2
The Romantic Allure of Georgian Bay - p. 3
Report on Council - pp. 4, 14,
Official Plan Review - p. 5
Simcoe County Update - pp. 5-6
New Invasive Weeds Coming Our Way - p. 7
The Group of Seven and Me - p. 12
Why You Shouldn't Abandon Your Pet - p. 13
Fall, 2008 - Issue #32

The President's Message
The Restoration of the Bluewater Dunes
Fundraising for Good Causes
Farlain Lake Fisheries. . .A Snapshot in Time
Report on Council
Editorial Cartoon
Green Our Planet, Not Our Bay!
Tiny's Official Plan Review – What You Should Know
Kettle's Beach History
Update on High-Speed Internet
The Master Builder of Lafontaine Shipyard
Interim Water Report:
Quality Is Still an Issue at Woodland Beach