Sunday Gun Hunting Permitted in Tiny Township

From a Tiny Township press release dated December 15, 2015:

Tiny – At its meeting of December 14, 2015, the Township of Tiny Council approved Sunday gun hunting in Tiny.

Council and staff through its public input process and deliberations have thoroughly investigated the impact that Sunday gun hunting may have in the area. Council is confident that this activity will not significantly impact on other recreational pursuits as evidenced in many other communities throughout the Province.

Mayor Cornell stated “Council will continue to strive to achieve a fair balance for all residents to enjoy their recreational activities in a safe and inclusive community.”

As a reminder, “Private property owners, who do not wish persons to enter upon their property, must properly sign the property. In order for the provisions contained within the Trespass to Property Act to be enforceable, property owners at a minimum must post a sign that has a red dot on a white background. Signs that clearly state “No Trespassing” are readily available at most hardware type stores, are inexpensive and carry a very clear and concise message.

If a landowner encounters someone on their property and they do not have the expressed permission to be there, in the interest of public safety, the landowner should not confront the person or persons and police should be notified immediately by dialling the OPP Provincial Communications Centre at 1-888-310-1122.”