Report on Council for May 13, 2013

Report on Council:
May 13, 2013

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –- 11:38am
Confidential Closed Session 9:04am-10:07am
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm- 7:30pm
Mayor Millar, Councillors Warren,Wishart, Claire

Farlain Lake Community Management Plan

Farlain has an incorporated not for profit Association with approximately 100 members. They have developed a plan to protect the lake’s water quality. Some of the goals require the passing of Township bylaws. The Canada Geese population needs to be managed so that it does not have a negative effect on water quality. Farlain has recommended zoning regulations that would ban the feeding of nuisance wildlife. In other cases the Township will be asked to change some of their Public Works practices. When the Township cuts down aged and diseased trees on their shoreline properties the Association would like them to drop the wood into the water to create habitat. Farlain would like the Township to install an educational kiosk/sign at the Township Park to ask boaters to clean boat hulls and trailers before and after entering the lake to prevent the transfer of invasive and exotic species; to implement a stormwater strategy and direct runoff onto vegetative areas that treat, filtrate and dissipate the runoff through transpiration. Farlain would like to see the Township use the Official Plan and zoning bylaws to ensure reasonable and manageable growth; to enact a tree cutting bylaw to protect forest cover on properties within the watershed that are less than 2.5 acres to leave a healthy tree cover; to adopt a zoning bylaw to ensure that buildings and structures do not encroach into a 20 metre setback from the high water mark and a bylaw prohibiting the use of non-environmently friendly herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers within 30 metres of the high water mark. Farlain is asking the Township to revise the official plan to ensure a physical carrying capacity study is done by land developers to define the maximum amount of growth or development that can be supported indefinitely in the watershed without permanently impairing the sustainability of the lake and it’s watershed.

Clean Yards Bylaw

Council passed this by-law giving the township the ability to address dead or damaged trees, noxious weed, long weeds and grass, inoperative boats, unlicensed trailers, inoperative motor vehicles (lacking valid license plates). Under the Municipal Act there’s is a penalty of up to $100,000 or $100/day if residents fail to respond to a request for removal. They are given a reasonable deadline and if the deadline passes they are charged $100./day.

Georgian Bay Water Level Public Information Session

Coucillor Claire requested Council’s approval for a Township hosted public information session. Mayor Millar pointed out that this meeting had been announced in the Tiny Cottager . He wondered how it could have been arranged and announced prior to Council discussion or approval. Mayor Millar cautioned Council members that individual Councillors cannot commit resources of the municipality prior to full Council review and approval. He also noted that no effort was made to reach out to groups affected by the low water levels, for example Marine Operators, Businesses along the shore.

Council directed staff to organize the meeting on July 13, 2013 and Councillor Claire was appointed meeting Chairperson. All future decisions regarding this meeting should be directed to Councillor Claire.

Light Rescue Vehicles

The Fire and Emergency Services Department was authorized to purchase  two 2013 F550 Ford cabs and chassis costing $94,852,000. from Hanna Motor Sales and to contract Fort Garry Fire Trucks to construct the vehicle bodies in accordance with specifications at a cost of $171,370. for a total of $266,222 plus taxes.

Bylaw/Agreement with Beausoleil First Nation for the Provision of Fire Services for Christian Island Indian Reserve

The bylaw to provide Fire Services for the Christian Island Indian Reserve was passed.