Administrative Centre ‘Stop the Build’ sign campaign

The latest effort in a multi-pronged approach to convince Council to reconsider the scale and scope of the new administrative centre is a sign campaign which we hope will reach many more residents so they may become informed of the dangerous fiscal position which the Township and therefore the taxpayers are in.




Signs are available free (donations welcome for pick-up as follows:

1. Revel Georgian Bay Dream Team Real Estate office at 520 Cedar Point Rd., Tiny (at Concession 16)
● Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 11:00am; 2:00pm – 4:00pm
● Saturday 9:00am – 11:00am
● Sunday 10:30am – 12:30pm

2.  Facebook group page: Tiny Township: Community Discussion All Things Council
DM Karen Zulynik or email

3. Reach out to



Since December 2023, Tiny residents have expressed their opposition to the proposed new administrative centre using virtually every means available to them, including:

● three hastily called simultaneous public engagement sessions where participants expressed outrage towards council members
● a public protest on a cold winter night
● a petition with over 2700 names and numerous deputations to Council questioning the lack of public input, the exorbitant cost, and its impact on taxpayers
● a letter-writing campaign that resulted in more than 6,300 messages to Council and senior staff in five days
● a second public protest drawing more than 300 unhappy residents.

We acknowledge that the current administration building is in need of upgrading, and would expect our council to act in the best interest of all Tiny taxpayers. To date there has been no indication that Council is considering the increasing opposition to the proposed new building.

Tiny taxpayers have every reason to be concerned with the proposed new building:

● The proposed town hall will conservatively cost taxpayers in excess of $25 million to build, and in excess of $50 million after interest costs are considered, versus $8-$10M for a modest addition/renovation to the current facility. This will result in our taxes going up another 20% over the next three years, in addition to the 20% increase already incurred over the last two years.
● The current town hall is approximately 13,000 sf, the proposed building is 30,000 sf. More than double the floor space.
● The proposed building provides an average of 600 sf per employee; in comparison, the Simcoe County Admin Centre provides an average of 145 sf. Why the need for so much excess space in an era where workplaces are moving to hybrid workforces?
● There is a very large unfunded asset maintenance shortfall (details below). Our infrastructure needs are tremendous, and Council is funding a vanity project.
● Council has disregarded Blackline Consulting’s report (details below). Taxpayers paid for a report that is being completely ignored
● The location is believed to contain species at risk; a thorough environmental assessment needs to be conducted
● The current council has failed to abide by the Simcoe County Official Plan. Tiny is simply not following the existing laws and is acting in violation of the Planning Act.
● Tiny has never had such a large negative response by its residents to any undertaking

An in-depth look at the issues surrounding the proposed new administrative centre plus a summary of events can be found in the Spring issue of The Tiny Cottager .. page 1 articles

FoTTSA’s request for a pause in the process is documented as follows:

● April 3, 2024: FoTTSA Deputation to Council
● April 18, 2024: FoTTSA Flash sent to entire e-mail list: Urgent message re: Administrative Centre April 24 vote
● April 29, 2024: highlighted on FoTTSA website: Urgent message #2 re: Administrative Centre pause the process

Further details

The Township faces an unfunded asset maintenance shortfall caused by previous councils’ reluctance to raise taxes to a level that would cover maintenance and repair costs. Instead of setting aside $12M per year, successive councils only set aside an average of $4M.

According to preliminary township reporting,

● Asset Management report shows 38% of our assets in poor or very poor condition, totalling $133 million. Council is proposing a 20-year 2.39% increase annual property taxation for tax funded assets to address the deficit… this was reported in June 26, 2024 council meeting.
● 50% of Township’s Water Network assets are in poor or very poor condition resulting in anyone on municipal water seeing an increase of 2.07% in taxes, proposed in June 26, 2024 Council meeting.

Blackline Consulting

A comprehensive report created by Blackline Consulting, an international firm hired to evaluate the operating efficiencies of Tiny, has not been referred to since it was presented in January 2023. It clearly stated that Tiny was out of touch with current hybrid work practices. Most importantly, it stated that in their professional opinion the current staff could be more efficiently organized and that the operation shouldn’t require more than the approximately 13,000 Sq. ft. they currently occupy. (Proposed building 30,000 Sq. ft.) Blackline’s very detailed report can be viewed in its entirety on the Tiny website here. We paid for it, they ignored it.


Protest, speak Out and Up. Inform neighbours and friends who may be unaware that this outrageous plan is being carried out.
Sign petitions demanding a referendum that allows Tiny residents to decide from options that include what most will agree are more appropriate. Renovating the current office with a modest addition at an estimated cost of $8-10M paid for over a short period to reduce the interest charges is one option.
● Seek out and join the Stop the Build sign campaign so that all Tiny residents and all Council members become aware of the degree of dissatisfaction with this irresponsible plan.

Other sources of information

Financial Post:
● April 26, 2024: Tiny’s-big-spending-problem-is-writ-large-across-the-country

Midland Today:
● January 11, 2024: Tiny’s new municipal building plan spurs protestors to action
● April 1 2024: Could ice age grass freeze Tiny’s proposed administrative build?
● April 25 2024: Hundreds protest Tiny municipal centre plan; resident calls for ‘return to civility'”
● March 1, 2024: ‘Nobody wanted the building:’ Tiny Township residents push back on plan to build new administration centre
● April 26, 2024: ‘Listen to the will of your citizens’: Tiny Township urged to pause process to build new municipal offices
● June 19, 2024: Tiny Township puts administration centre plans to public for review, feedback

Scheduled deputations:
● April 24, 2024: Karen Zulynik — Remote Hybrid Work Policy
● June 26, 2024: Borys Kowalsky — Need for Referendum on Tiny Township’s New Administrative Centre
Building Project