Welcome to FoTTSA and The Tiny Cottager Online

The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations (FoTTSA) is a nonprofit, volunteer organization which promotes thriving and sustainable shoreline communities in Tiny Township by bringing together and representing almost all of the associations of shoreline residents. FoTTSA uses effective communication, education and advocacy to promote positive environmental stewardship and to provide leadership for sound public policy on key issues.

In addition to publishing The Tiny Cottager newspaper twice a year, which is delivered free of charge to all property owners and residents of Tiny, FoTTSA also sends out the FoTTSA Flash, a monthly email newsletter about everything that matters in and around Tiny. Send us your email to join the list: secretary.fottsa@tinycottager.org

Follow us on social media:

Instagram: @tinycottager_fottsa

Facebook: The Tiny Cottager by FoTTSA

Twitter: @tinycottager