FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meeting January 11 and 18, February 1 and 22, 2023

FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings January 11 and 18, 2023
Committee of the Whole Meeting: January 11, 2023: 9 a.m. – 2:06 p.m.
Attendance on January 11, 2023: Mayor David Evans, Deputy Mayor Sean Miskimins, and Councillors Dave Brunelle, Kelly Helowka and Steffen Walma were all present.

Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning re BILL 23, More Homes Built Faster Act: Robinson reviewed key changes that Bill 23 made regarding:
Inclusionary Zoning/Affordable and Attainable Housing
Development Charges
Community Benefit Charges
Removed of Upper Tier Approval Powers
Third Party Appeals
Additional Dwelling Units
Subdivisions/Plan of Condominium
Site Plan Control
Ontario Land Tribunal
Conservation Authorities

Wyebridge Canada Post Location: Nine community boxes are to be installed on Marsh Lane and the corner of Highway 93. These are to become permanent this spring.

Outdoor Ice Rinks: These will probably not be feasible this winter given the weather.

In-person Council Meetings: When in-person council meetings resume, Council has decided that they will be partly in-person and partly electronic.

In Camera Council Meeting: January 18, 2023: 5 p.m. – 10:07 p.m.
Attendance: Mayor David Evans, Deputy Mayor Sean Miskimins, Councillors Dave Brunelle, Kelly Helowka and Steffen Walma were all present.

This meeting concerned legal matters, including one to do with Pine Forest Estate.


FoTTSA Report on Tiny Council Meetings February 1 and 22, 2023:
Committee of the Whole Meeting: February 1, 2023: 10:20 a.m. – 1:22 p.m. February 22,
2023: 10:40 a.m. – 5:09 p.m.
Regular Meeting of Council: February 1, 2023: 9:00 a.m. – 10:03 p.m. and February 22, 2023:
9:00 a.m. – 10:36 a.m.
Attendance: On February 1: Mayor David Evans, Deputy Mayor Sean Miskimins, Councillors Dave Brunelle and Steffen Walma were present. Councillor Kelly Helowka was absent. On February 22: All members were present. (Councillor Walma left the Committee of the Whole meeting at 3:15 p.m. and returned at 4:20 p.m.)

Open Deputations: On February 1, Residents Germaine Muller, Dan O’Rourke, and Susan de la Plante addressed Council about various aspects of short-term rentals (STRs). On February 22, residents Jason Barham, Jennifer Hierholzer, Mario Galluzo, Janice Murton, Marisa Esposito, Cherie Ferrari, Patricia Rossi, and Emily Jacobelli addressed various aspects of STRs.

Scheduled Deputation to Committee of the Whole: Representing Responsible Hosts of Tiny, on February 1, resident Glen Sloutsky requested a pause in the enforcement of By-laws #22- 017 and #22-067 to allow for “a collaborative dialogue with Township residents to improve the STR licensing regime.” On February 22, Janet Marks spoke about her concerns regarding the draft 2023 budget and the proposed tax rate.

More Population Growth in Tiny? On February 1, Council considered correspondence from Jamie Robinson of MHBC Planning regarding a response to the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs about County of Simcoe Official Plan Amendment No. 7. That amendment considers the expansion of settlement areas. Given that the Township has recently had increased building permit activity and increased demand for housing and employment, Robinson recommended that the Township say in response that “Council is supportive of settlement area expansions based on good planning and responsible growth. Township staff would welcome the opportunity to discuss this further with staff from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to determine how best to proceed and next steps.”
Council supported Robinson’s recommendation.

Cawaja Property Owners Association Memorandum of Understanding Agreement: Council agreed to accept the agreement as presented on February 22, 2023. This agreement has
been in force for many years.

Council and Committee of the Whole Meeting Schedule/Format: The Regular Meeting of Council is to start at 5 p.m., with the Committee of the Whole to follow immediately after and the Planning Public Meeting to be scheduled on a separate date.

Projects Funded by the Federal Economic Development Agency: One such project was the purchase and installation for $43,000 of exercise equipment at Balm Beach Parkside Park ($30,000 was covered by the awarded funding), and the second concerned Pl bridge repair at the south end of the Rail Trail at a cost of $166,000 ($99,031 of which was covered by the awarded funding).

County of Simcoe Budget: According to Mayor Evans, the County’s budget has been finalized at an overall increase of 3.5%

New Building Official Appointed: Jonathan Filice has been appointed as a Junior Building
Official to manage short-term licensing and enforcement of the Ontario Building Code.

Budget: Council passed the preliminary 2023 draft budget at a 10.82% municipal tax rate increase. The Wyevale Ball Diamond Lights are to be deferred to the 2024 budget. At the next Huronia Airport Commission meeting, Mayor Evans is to raise the issue of the importance of prior budget approval of any capital assets that are purchased. (Last year, the Airport spent $38,391.84 without getting authorization.) CAO Lamb and Director Leitch are working with the other area municipalities that use area arenas to arrive at a reasonable way to finance them in 2024.

Beach Access Path Signage: Staff is to remove the “private property” stickers on some of the Township’s beach access path signs.

Communications re STRs: Eleven residents communicated their views about points made in
deputations regarding Short Term Rentals.

Regular Meeting of Council February 22, 2023:
Much of this meeting took place in closed session with Jim McIntosh of Barriston Law and
John Barzo, Barrister & Solicitor. It concerned a proposed acquisition of land.