Teedon Pit Extension Update – CRH objector letter delivery recommendations – deadline January 30th

In early January, 2020, all those who had sent written comments to CRH (the company that owns the Teedon Pit) about the application to extend the gravel pit received a response by registered mail. Not all letters were exactly the same. Comments that had been emailed without a postal mailing address were not considered by CRH but senders received back a general email version of CRH’s response which you can read here. CRH stated that their response aimed to:

• Provide an update on the application;
• Provide a list of unresolved issues;
• Detail attempts to resolve the issues; and
• Provide recommendations in an effort to resolve outstanding concerns.

FoTTSA believes that the main concerns about protecting the water in the Alliston Aquifer have not been resolved. All those who received a paper letter from CRH are entitled to send back an objector response by January 30th. We recommend delivering your response as follows:

Take 2 copies of  your printed response to each of the following 2 locations by January 30th, get both copies date stamped and signed for at each location and keep one copy from each place as proof of delivery:
1) CRH Canada Group Inc
2300 Steeles Avenue W. 4th Floor
Concord, Ontario L4K 5X6
Attn: Jessica Ferri.
2) Ministry of Natural Resources
2284 Nursery Road,
Midhurst, On L9X 1N8
Enter the front door vestibule during office hours (8:30 am – 4:30 pm). There is a telephone and a staff directory there. Call Robert Herbst at 705-725-7597 or Kim Benner at 705-725-7534 who will accept your Objector Response and copy, date stamp and sign it. If you know your approximate time of arrival, call either of these ahead of time.  A back-up person is John Almond at 705-725-7542.  (Taking a cell phone is recommended).
Plan B: If you cannot get any of the above people, there is a a locked drop box in the vestibule that is checked daily for correspondence which is date stamped and initialed by the staff person receiving it but you will not have a stamped copy for proof.