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Administrative Update

Report on Council for March 11 and 25, 2019

Township’s Comments Letter to the MNRF about the Extension of the Teedon Pit in Concession 1, FoTTSA’s 24 March letter to Council about the Teedon Pit, Regional Culture Committee created, Internet and Cell Service Ad Hoc Committe created, 2019 Budget approved, Committee appointments, Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers Association Community Bulletin Board, Sewage System Reinspection Program, Legal Representation re: Teedon Pit Extension Application: [more]

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Take Action to Protect Ontario’s Endangered Species

Ontario’s government has proposed changes to the Endangered Species Act that would effectively remove protections for Ontario’s species at risk. (See the proposed changes on the Environmental Registry here.) Use the form here to submit your comment to the Environmental Registry telling the government that this is not acceptable.

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Ontario Budget 2019 – An open letter from FOCA

Ontario Budget 2019 April 16, 2019 – An open letter from FOCA’s Executive Director: What does the Ontario budget 2019 mean for our members? Budgets are an important opportunity for governments to set out their mandate and to ensure that their priorities are suitably funded. In the April 2019 budget, the Ontario [more]

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Administrative Update

Earth Week in Tiny: April 22- 27

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year. Earth Week in [more]

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Administrative Update

Regional government review: pre-registration for meeting

There will be a consultation meeting  about the Province’s Regional Government Review on May 13th from 9 am to 4 pm at the Simcoe County Council Chamber in Midhurst. Any individuals or organizations who wish to give a public deputation to the special advisors in person must submit a request between [more]

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Protect our Water: #StopSite42

Join all those who want to protect our water every Friday from 10 am to 2:30 in a peaceful gathering at the gates of the Teedon  Pit Quarry at 40 Darby Road. Say NO to the proposed quarry expansion which is putting the world’s purest water at risk. This weekly [more]

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Administrative Update

Tiny Township Approves 2019 Budget

In 2019, Tiny Township residents can expect to see their property taxes increase  between 1.0% to 2.0%, or $5 to $15 per $100,000 of residential assessed value. This will include a 6.0% increase in the Municipal portion of their tax rates for 2019. The 6.0% increase will be comprised of improvements to programs [more]