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Municipal Elections – Monday October 22nd, 2018

​The Township of Tiny will be using Vote-by-Mail voting in the 2018 Municipal Election. This voting method has been used for the last three elections and has proven to be effective in meeting the needs of permanent and seasonal electors, as well as meeting accessibility requirements. Eligible electors in the Township of [more]

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Councillor Richard Hinton Memorial Fund

“It is in thankfulness for Richard’s life and in recognition of his dedication, commitment and love for personal service to all Tiny residents that we are pleased to establish the “Councillor Richard Hinton Memorial Fund” for the purpose of providing an annual scholarship/bursary to deserving permanent resident of Tiny Township [more]

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Administrative Update

Jack Barry Ellis

Jack Ellis, FoTTSA’s first president, director from 2001 to 2014, and regular contributor to The Tiny Cottager, died peacefully at home on September 26th. He suffered from a failing heart, but had been rallying in the weeks before his passing. An obituary appeared in the October 13, Globe and Mail. [more]