Report on Council for September 10 and 24, 2018

September 10 and 24, 2018:
Committee of the Whole Meetings: September 10, 2018: 9:00 a.m. – 4:13; September 24, 2018: 9. a.m. – 1:40 p.m.
Regular Meetings of Council: September 10, 2018: 5 p.m. – 5:18 p.m.; September 24, 2018: 6:20 p.m. -7:00 p.m.     .
Mayor George Cornell and Councillors Cindy Hastings and Gibb Wishart present. Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma (a member of the township fire department) was called away from 10:15 a.m. until after the lunch break on September 10.

On September 10, both meetings of Council began with brief remarks by Mayor Cornell about the passing of Richard Hinton, saying that Hinton loved serving on Council and making a difference in his community. An arrangement of flowers marked his place at the Council table.


  • Official Declaration of Vacancy of Office. Note that since Councillor Hinton’s death occurred within 90 days of the election, there will be no by-election. His name will not appear on the ballot
  • Tree clearing in Balm Beach area, September through October 2018, to remove brush overhanging the road
  • Concession 16 West culvert replacement, September 17, 2018 for approximately three weeks
  • Tiny Connect – Sign up at
  • At the Regular Meeting of Council on September 24, Mayor Cornell announced that $65,000 had been raised by the Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament. He presented cheques ranging from $1,500 to $5,500 to the fifteen charities the event supported this year
  • Municipal Election, October 22, 2018
  • Budget Meetings, December 12 (changed from the 17th), 2018, January 21, 2019, February 4, 2019


Representing the Balm Beach Business Association, Doug Lorriman asked for, and received approval in principle, of a re-enactment in August 2019 of an attack on Balm Beach. Supposedly part of the War of 1812, this would be one of a series that includes assaults on Tay Township, Midland, and Penetanguishene. The re-enactors would camp in Discovery Harbour for several days, and the event would involve four tall ships, period equipment, and gun boats. The organizers are to consult with staff over the next few months to arrive at a detailed plan for formal presentation to Council.

The financial request for $2,500 was forwarded to the 2019 Budget for consideration.


The Beausoleil First Nation’s new ferry needs a different docking arrangement. As a result, there is to be expansion of the current wharf, construction of a second wharf, removal of the existing building, dredging, and one or two lesser items on the mainland along with some changes on Christian Island. The building is to be replaced by a temporary trailer. There will be no breakwater. Work on half of the project – expansion of the current dock, dredging, removal of the building, and installation of the trailer is to begin in October and to be completed by the end of May 2019. All this construction is bound to have an impact on the Cedar Point area.


Melissa Carruthers (appointed by Council to replace Keith Sherman of the SSEA as Risk Management Official and Risk Management Inspector) presented an overview of Source Water protection, Risk Management Services, and Source Protection Authority work. She noted that source water protection does not extend to wells that are not on municipal water systems, and that, “if the Township did have a gravel extraction pit within its well head protection area, it would not necessarily eliminate the practice, but it would allow for some additional restraints.”

In the ensuing discussion, Council looked for ways to protect highly vulnerable aquifers given the current provincial rules. In the end, Council recommended

“that the Township supports initiatives to promote the protection of private wells, such as the Well Aware Program;

And that the Severn Sound Environmental Association be requested to review such initiatives, along with associated costs and report back to Council;

And that once a proposal is determined, a letter be forwarded to member municipalities of the Severn Sound Environmental Association to determine participation.”


After the success of the 2017 Pollinator Program, Council approved funding for two post-secondary students to look into local food. They focused on

  • a community garden — 15 elevated garden plots built in the abandoned tennis courts in the Perkinsfield park
  • a farmer’s market – long and short questionnaires about interest in farmers’ markets and an investigation of farmers’ willingness to be attend such a market
  • a farm map – so far just a list of Tiny’s 319 registered farms and what they produce
  • land stewardship – primarily assisting with phragmites removals at Woodland Beach, Yarwood Point and Wahnekewening Beach
  • outreach – creation of promotional materials that they distributed at township and community events and activities
  • a farm crawl – a tour of four farms in Tiny Township
  • research – learning about Phragmites removal; visiting neighbouring community gardens, farmers markets, and speaking to organizers of the Hamilton Farm Crawl.

In all seven categories the students made recommendations to guide future initiatives.


In April, the Township received funding through the Ontario Sport and Recreation Communities Fund of $33.687 toward a total project budget of $43,418. A Youth Coordinator was hired in May 2018 to design and schedule physically active activities and healthy choices in a social and safe environment. The Coordinator created a 28-session drop-in program over a 12-month period that introduces youth to 24 different sports and physical activities. Fundamental Movement Skills Certification Training is also being offered. The Thursday evening 6 – 8 p.m. program began on July 12. Dinner is provided each activity night.

A Youth Advisory Committee, for which the township got another grant, won’t be struck until the new year, since staff feel that youth need to get engaged before they consider applying to serve on such a committee.


The drainage project to prevent recurrent flooding on Tripp Lane and Tiny Beaches Road South is to begin as soon as possible in order to get it completed before the winter season. Concerns and options raised by area residents and by Councillor Gibb Wishart were thoroughly explored, and the particular solution chosen was explained by the Manager of Public Works.


Sustainable Severn Sound recommends that the target reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for municipal operations from the baseline year of 2015 be 15% by 2028. The target reduction for the community in the same time period is 6%. Staff are to develop an implementation plan.

For the complete Local Climate Change Action Plan, see Communication Received Since the Last Meeting, Committee of the Whole Agenda, September 10, 2018.


Council authorized staff to enter into an agreement with CompuSolve. This will “enhance the Township’s current processes and provide greater protection of its networks in the areas which are vulnerable such as desktop computers, devices and users.” (This was probably a response to the recent hacking of municipal computers in Midland and Wasaga.)


The draft Official Plan is to be presented at the November 14, 2018 Regular Meeting of Council, and formal adoption at the November 26, 2018 Regular Meeting of Council.

*legal fees and surveying in excess of budget – due to ongoing property matters – according to treasurer Sept 10