Report on Council for May 8, 18 and 29, 2017

May 8, 18 and 29, 2017
Committee of the Whole Meetings: May 8, 2017: 9:00 a.m. – 3:58 p.m.; May 18, 2017: 6:00 p.m. – 7:23 and May 29, 2017: 9 a.m. – 4:07 p.m.
Regular and Special Meetings of Council: May 8, 2017: 4:35 p.m. – 5:07 p.m.; May 18, 2017: 6:00 p.m. – 7:23 and May 29, 2017: 6:00 p.m. – 6:17 p.m.
Mayor George Cornell, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma and Councillors Cindy Hastings, Richard Hinton and Gibb Wishart present at all meetings.


  • May 1 to November 15, Wye River North Bridge Rehabilitation, Concession 2. This will impact traffic flow
  • July 1, Wyevale Canada Day Fireworks
  • July 2, Farlain Lake Aquatic Weed Fest
  • July 13-16, Festival du Loup, Lafontaine
  • July 14, Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament and Dinner, Brooklea Golf & Country Club
  • July 22, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Community BBQ, Perkinsfield Park, involving local artisans & vendors, live music, petting zoo, pony rides, inflatables

The Tiny Township Lions Club presented a cheque in the amount of $1000 in support of the Township’s summer camp programs and $6050 for benches for the commemorative tree and bench program.

On May 8, Professor William Shotyk gave a deputation to Council titled “The Cleanest Water on Earth: Is it Worth Protecting.” He pointed out that the artesian water in the Elmvale water kiosk is ultra clean in spite of the fact that it is “young” water – water that originated in the years since atomic bomb testing in the 1950s. It’s astonishing purity is the result of soil filtration. Expanding aggregate extraction to remove French’s Hill would jeopardize the quality of this water. Shotyk was very nervous about plans to store and process asphalt (bitumen) on the expanded site. Without painstaking research it is impossible to say how much reduction of the overburden above the water table could be allowed. Aggregate extraction in the original pit had an impact on silt in area wells and on water volume.

As not much testing has been conducted since Site 41, Professor Shotyk indicted that he would be willing to assist with any future testing to establish a baseline and to recognize any changes that might occur. In August or September there is to be a public meeting about the expansion of the gravel pit.

After considering Diane Leblovic’s April 24 Deputation regarding BABB’s (Business Association of Balm Beach’s) request for volleyball courts on the beach, Council recommended that the installation of the courts proceed as a pilot project Monday to Friday this summer excluding holidays, and that the township would supply volleyball nets, and further that in fall 2017 BABB should discuss the future of the volleyball courts and report back to Council. BABB was also asked to consult with local residents and community groups with regard to summer events for 2017 and 2018 and was told that that the Special Events exemption from the Noise By-law would not apply to Busk Until Dusk.

Residential property tax rates in Tiny are falling by about one percent this year. Of the total amount levied, 37% goes to the township, 39% to the County, and 24% for education. The 2% increase in the township’s rate is more than offset by a 1.5% decrease in the rate levied by the County of Simcoe and a 4.8% decrease in the rate levied for education. After taking into account the interim tax amount paid earlier this year, the remaining amount will be charged in two instalments due June 30 and September 29.

Residents served by one of the township’s water systems must pay a levy of $200 for capital costs. Where water is actually being supplied to an improved property, an additional levy of $593.20 will be collected.

Done by T.J. Wieclawek Consulting, this produced 46 recommendations “that can be best described as opportunities for improvement.” The consultant found that the Tiny Township Fire Emergency Service provides a level of emergency response, including fire suppression services, that is consistent with the community’s risk assessment and meets the expectations for service delivery under the Fire PPA. He also noted that an appropriate training program has been established and that the apparatus and equipment in place is adequate to provide a level of service consistent with the needs and circumstances of the community. The consultant’s recommendations are available in the May 29 Committee of the Whole Agenda. See f) Reports of Consultants or Third Parties.

By passing By-law 17-025, asserted township ownership of parts of the beach south of Concession Road 1. That move was appealed to the OMB by D. Battaglia. On May 29, Council directed staff to defend the approval of By-law 17-025 should the appeal proceed to a hearing by retaining WeirFoulds LLP as legal counsel.