Press Release: Family of Five Narrowly Escape Fire

Home Fire – Five Narrowly Escape – October 7, 2015

“Over the past weekend, a fire occurred in a seasonal residence in the Township of Tiny. This fire, which appears to have been caused by the careless use of a candle, occurred at approximately midnight while a family of five (5) was sound asleep.

The fire was quickly extinguished by firefighters who responded from three (3) fire stations.

Heat and smoke damage to this home was extensive and no smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms were found at the time of the fire.

In accordance with the Township of Tiny Zero Tolerance policy regarding the installation and maintenance of working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, the homeowner has been issued with tickets totaling $1800.00 for failing to install and maintain working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms as required by the Ontario Fire Code.

“I continue to be alarmed that after so many years of trying to educate the public about the legal requirement and the importance of having working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in dwelling units, situations like this one are still occurring. This fire could easily have resulted in numerous fatalities,” said Fire Chief Tony Mintoff.

The Fire Department once again urges all residents to take the appropriate steps to ensure that all required smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are installed and maintained in operating condition. In order to assist residents to comply, the Fire Department also offers free inspections through their

Home Fire Safety Audit program to ensure that required alarms are installed correctly and are in Inspection requests can be made by calling (705) 322-1161.”