Report on Council: January 12, 2015

Reports on Council are compiled from the observations of as many as four volunteers. The observers note not only what they see, but also draw on information in Agendas and official Minutes. Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting Agendas (available on under Government/Council) include reports, and the official Minutes can be found on a little more than two weeks after any particular meeting. Council decisions appear as Resolutions and By-laws in the Minutes of the Regular Council Meetings.
Errors of fact will be acknowledged and corrected.

Jan. 12, 2015
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9.00 am –12:18 pm
Regular Committee Meeting: 1:45 pm – 2:16 pm
All members of Council present: Mayor George Cornell, Deputy Mayor Steffen Walma, Councillors Cindy Hastings, Richard Hinton and Gibb Wishart

TOWN HALL MEETINGS A POSSIBILITY: Council discussed the importance of community engagement. Councillor Wishart suggested an advisory board which would meet with Council 3 or 4 times a year and supported town hall meetings as a way of gaining input from tax payers. Staff was asked to ascertain whether other municipalities had such groups and to report back on the matter at a future Regular Committee of the Whole Meeting.

STRATEGIC PLANNING MEETINGS UNDER CONSIDERATION: According to Township CAO, Doug Luker, the township strategic plan should be updated or reconceived every 5 years and it is time to do so, ideally in the next 4-5 months through use of a consultant. Such a plan embodies a shared vision of where an organization would like to go and how it’s going to get there. Members of staff were instructed to draft a Request for Proposal (RFP) for consideration of Council on January 26. Luker estimated the cost of the consultant fees at approximately $35,000.

Liability concerns have been satisfied and an agreement with the Georgian Bay Snowriders Club has now been reached regarding use of the Tiny Trail for 2014-15.

REQUESTS FOR FUNDS TO BE CONSIDERED AT BUDGET MEETINGS: These concerned support for the Severn Sound Environment Association, Habitat for Humanity, and the Georgian Bay Hospital Foundation.

STUDY OF NEEDS OF TOWNSHIP SENIORS: Helmut Paddags made a presentation regarding an Age Friendly Community Planning Grant of up to $25,000. The grant application will be completed by township staff and submitted under the township’s name by the application deadline of January 30, 2015.

BUILDING PERMIT ACTIVITY 2013 AND 2014: According to a report prepared by S. Jamie Wilson there was a modest decline in building activity in 2014 as compared to 2013. In 2013, 391 building permits were issued as compared to 383 in 2014. The total Construction Value in the two years fell from $25,543,000 to $21,938,000.

TOWNSHIP REPRESENTATION ON COUNTY OF SIMCOE COMMITTEES AND BOARDS: Subject to County Council approval, Mayor Cornell will sit on the Economic Development Sub-committee, will be an alternate on the North Simcoe Muskoka LHIN Governance Working Committee, and will be a regular member of the Agriculture Liaison Committee. Deputy Mayor Walma will be a regular member of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, of the Housing Corporation Board, and of Sustainable Severn Sound.