2014 Tiny Township Municipal Election

The Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations and the Tiny Cottager thank all who made their voices heard by voting in the 2014 Tiny Township Municipal election, all candidates who showed their civic commitment by running for office, and all current Council members for their service to our community over the past four years.

We congratulate all members-elect of the incoming Council, with best wishes for a productive and enjoyable term of office.

The members of our new Council face significant issues involving millions of our tax dollars. They will need the support and involvement of an informed electorate and the daily efforts of dedicated municipal staff. We look forward to helping in any way we can to make the best decisions for Tiny.

Fall is a beautiful time of year in Tiny Township. The mosquitoes are gone, and the election signs soon will be. Don’t lose interest until the next election rolls around in the issues important to our community. Stay informed. Get involved. Attend a Council meeting. Volunteer, if you have the energy and time. Shake a neighbour’s hand.

Keep doing all the things you do to make Tiny the place we all love to call home.

The Directors of the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations
And the Editors of the Tiny Cottager