Report on Council: October 15, 2013

Report on Council:
October 15, 2013

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 11:08am
Confidential Closed Session: 11:03am-11:07am
Regular Meeting: 11:40am-11:55am
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councilors Warren, Wishart, Claire 

Update on Activities/Outcome of Stop the Drop Campaign
On behalf of Stop the Drop, Mr. Colin Dobell provided an update on the activities and outcome of Stop the Drop Campaign. This is not a lobby group. Their objective is education and communication about the drop in the Great Lakes water levels. They want to show municipal, provincial and federal leaders how concerned voters are about the lake levels and to engage the public in a mass way. He also suggested that the municipality cooperate with Stop the Drop by registering people who use and care about the water and selecting key indicators (science and economic based data) of water quantity and its impact on Tiny.

The matter will be further discussed at the October 15, 2013 Regular Committee
of the Whole meeting.

Family Physician Recruitment/Succession Planning
David GraveIle, Physician Recruitment and Retention Officer, Georgian Bay General Hospital provided an update on the Family Physician Recruitment/Succession Planning. He reported on the successful recruitment of several physicians to the area. Between 2012-2017 18 family physicians need to be recruited because it takes 2 new physicians to replace one retiring physician. One of the factors is that female doctors want smaller practices. Candidates choose the area because of family connections to the community, the lifestyle of Georgian Bay, the area’s proximity to Toronto, practice opportunities and a relationship with the recruitment program. There are three recruitment strategies: education, ambassadors and relationship development. The recruitment program builds relationships with the medical schools at U of T, McMaster and NOSM. The Rotary Club contributes $50,000. towards education programs. New recruits act as ambassadors.The program develops relationships with medical residents, provides tours of the area, relocation reimbursements, welcome packages and up to $40,000. off the Ontario Student Loan under Federal loan forgiveness. They also try to find opportunities for spouses before recruiting.  There are two areas that need to be addressed: Internal Medicine and Obstetrics. A midwifery program is being launched at the hospital because the need for women to go outside of the municipality to give birth is a concern.  Mr. GraveIle concluded his presentation by advising that he would be submitting his annual request for funding.

Discussion/Oral Submission/Dr. Paul Rosenberg Crown Reserve, Wymbolwood Beach 
The Committee discussed the presentation by Dr. Paul Rosenberg on September 30, 2013 regarding the Crown Reserve at Wymbolwood Beach on Plan 779. The Committee agreed to proceed as previously discussed with the surveying of the shoreline on Plan 779. Staff brought forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting to receive the presentation.

Discussion/Oral Submission/Mr. Ian Ferguson/Open Parking Concerns
The Committee discussed the presentation by Mr. Ian Ferguson on behalf of the Bluewater, Georgina, Wendake Beaches and Ratepayers Association regarding parking concerns on of Wendake, Milton, Karen Roads and Swift’s Lane and the accessibility of emergency vehicles.

Staff brought forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting to refer the matter to staff for review and included in the Comprehensive Parking Strategy for the Township.

Discussion/ Oral Submission/Mrs. L. Lancia
Request for Use of Township Property/Senior/Community Centre

The Committee discussed the presentation by Mrs. L. Lancia on behalf of the Sunset Bay Committee Association regarding a request for the establishment of a Senior/Community Centre upon municipally owned land in the Sawlog Bay area.

As the Council representative on the Community Recreation Committee (CRC), Councillor Wishart stated that the CRC be given the opportunity to evaluate the project.

Staff brought forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting to forward the request to the Community Recreation Committee for input and review and to report back to Council.

County Council/Update
Mayor Millar reiterated his concerns relating to the changes of governance structure and that the same concerns are being expressed by several members of County Council. He noted that the County is presently scheduling meetings for 2014 for the new meeting structure and secondly, in case the new format fails, meetings are being scheduled according to the previous meeting format.

Huronia Economic Alliance Resolution County of Simcoe Local Economic Development Fund
The Huronia Economic Alliance (HEA) recommended the passing of the following motion by the Councils of Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny and Tay in support of a joint HEA application to the County of Simcoe under its Local Economic Development Fund:

1. That the Council of the Township of Tiny hereby approves and endorses a joint application and request to the County of Simcoe under its Local Economic Development Fund in the total amount of $400,000.00 for 2013-2014 to support the ongoing work of the Huronia Economic Alliance (HEA).

2. That the approved funding be allocated to the HEA (through the North Simcoe Community Futures Development Corporation) in accordance with the HEA – THE POWER OF FOUR – GOING FORWARD ACTION PLAN” dated August 2013.

3. That the HEA Economic Development Strategic Action Plan provide specific recommendations regarding the administration, structure and governance of the HFA as the Economic Development vehicle for the Townships of Tiny and Tay and the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene and that no funds be expended absent an agreement upon governance structure for the HEA.

Council passed a resolution that they support the HEA’s recommendations as outlined above.

Ministry of Rural Affairs/Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure Fund
The Province of Ontario has made available a new $100 million municipal infrastructure. funding called “Small, Rural and Northern Municipal Infrastructure fund. Qualifying municipalities must complete and “expression of interest” by November 1, 2013.

Council passed a resolution that the Township complete an ”Expression of Interest” for each of the following projects, with the assistance of R. J. Burnside & Associates Ltd.

1. Placement of water storage reservoirs for fire protection purposes at the Toanche and Wyevale Fire Halls. Approximate cost $100,000.

2. Replacement of water main within the Georgian Sands water system at a cost not to exceed $1.5 million.

And that funding is proposed at 50% grant funding and 50% township.

Heritage Advisory Committee/Appointments
Annice Blake, Luci Dilkus and Randy Hargrave were appointed as members of the Township of Tiny Heritage Advisory Committee for the remainder of the Council term (2010 to 2014).