Report on Council: August 12, 2013

Report on Council:
August 12, 2013

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –10:15am
Confidential Closed Session N/A
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm- 7:27pm
Mayor Miller, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Warren, Wishart, Claire

County Council Update

Deputy Mayor Lawrence reported that the garbage pick-up issue at Cedar Ridge has
been rectified.

Silver Birch Access — Gubins

The Committee considered Public Works Report PWR-031-13 dated August 12,
2013 from Henk Blom regarding a request from Girts Gubins (430 Silver Birch Drive) for permission to access municipally owned land known as Block A, Plan 1244.

Staff brought forward a draft resolution to permit Mr. Gubins temporary access over Block A, Plan 1244 to complete in-water works in accordance with Ministry of Natural Resources approvals.

Work Superintendent Alternative Options

The Committee considered Public Works Report PWR-032-13 dated August 12,
2013 from Henk Blom regarding the Works Superintendent Alternative Options. When the Works Superintendent resigned in June it presented an opportunity to look at the position and consider the needs of the Township. The Parks portion of the job has grown. Beaches and Parks are Tiny’s biggest asset. A Roads Superintendent is trained in Roads Operations and Maintenance and generally is not an expert in Parks. If Tiny had a Parks Superintendent their training and expertise could realize more efficiencies. A Superintendent in Parks with indepth knowledge and skills would be a desired asset for Parks Operations and for maintaining a sound recreation program base. From 2002 the Township has had increasing responsibility for recreational and facility maintenance, operations and capital improvements and ensuring that the community daily needs are met. The report suggested dividing the Works superintendent position and creating a separate Parks Superintendent and Roads Superintendent. This would allow the work load to be more evenly distributed to maximize skill sets and minimize stress. It would also allow for more supervision of staff.

Staff brought forward a draft resolution to support, in principle, the creation of Parks Superintendent and Roads Superintendent Positions in lieu of the current Works Superintendent position, subject to staff providing Council with details regarding all associated additional costs (ie. salaries, vehicles, etc) and upon review of the job descriptions by the Job Evaluation Committee.

Renewal of infield of Thunder Beach Association baseball diamond.

Mr. Douglas Jones on behalf of the Thunder Beach Association requested a renewal of the  infield of the Thunder Beach Association baseball diamond. Council referred the matter to staff who could refer to the Master Plan which identifies  parks and ball diamonds  the municipality is responsible for. Work on the ball diamond could be a volunteer opportunity.

Parking Changes to Dune Street by the Wymbolwood Beach Park known as Gordon J. Tuffs Park.

Mary Lou Merritt requested parking changes to Dune Street by the Gordon J. Tuffs Park. Council has forwarded the correspondence to staff. The matter may be deferred until Public Works has finished it’s review of roads and parking.