Report on Council: July 8, 2013

Report on Council:
July 8, 2013

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am –- 11:25am
Confidential Closed Session 11:25 – 11:35 am
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm- 7:27
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Warren, Wishart, Claire

Community Settlement Strategy

Sandra Lee, Project Manager, Local Immigration Partnership, County of Simcoe presented statistics on Simcoe County settlement patterns. Spanish is the fastest growing language in Tiny. In 2010 there were 650 new immigrants who settled directly in Simcoe County from their country of origin, increasing by 260(67%) since 2000. Between 2007 and 2010 2785 immigrants landed in Simcoe County and of these 5 landed in Tiny.

Installation of Bell Mobility Telecom Tower in Tiny Township

James Kennedy of Fontur International Inc. presented a proposal regarding the installation of Bell Mobility Telecom Towers. One location is ready. The tower is located on a road allowance as far back as possible and within the tree line as to not be visible. They are in the final stages of other three locations, waiting on environmental reports for the four seasons. Because Tiny has asked for environmental reviews the choice and installation of towers has taken much longer. Lafontaine tower provides northwest coverage; the road allowance tower most northern coverage. They will provide high speed internet and broadband coverage.  Staff brought forward a draft resolution to approve in principal the installation of a telecommunications tower and land lease agreement between the Township of Tiny and Bell Mobility Inc. Council authorized Bell Mobility Inc. to conduct the required public consultation process and to report back to Council once complete.

Spruce St. Garbage and Excessive Noise

The CAO will approach the Township of Blue Mountain who are reviewing bylaws regarding short term rentals of large properties to see if they have any suggestions on how to handle garbage and excessive noise from a rental property on Spruce St. Bylaw continues to respond and send out regular patrols. Garbage is dealt with on the basis of complaints. Council discussed financial incentives (ie. Landlord surrenders a security deposit) to ensure the landlord complies with bylaw. Council decided that it was not necessary for Lina Bertucci to do an oral submission as she could use email, mail or telephone to make her presentation.

County Council Update

Mayor Millar reported that at the Waste Management Workshop, the County reaffirmed a number of decisions regarding the development of Sites 9 and 12 and the exportation of waste to other sites.

Mayor Millar repeated his concerns that the county is designated for affordable housing only in South Simcoe. Given CNCC and Waypoint facilities there is reason to require affordable housing in North Simcoe. Once residents are released they tend to stay in the vicinity. Four North Simcoe mayors will get together to present the need.

Emerald Ash Borer

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is moving to regulate the Emerald Ash Borer in Ontario up to the French river area by April 2014 and to focus CFIA efforts in areas north and west of there. Tiny has concerns re: moving the line to French River as this will create a vacuum for help and information in Central and Eastern Ontario.