URGENT: Restore Our Water Public Meeting

Saturday July 6, 2013
10:00AM –NOON
Tiny Township Community Hall
91 Concession 8 East

FoTTSA, together with Tiny Township are sponsoring a major public meeting to update the community about unprecedented low water levels in Georgian Bay. This meeting will be a major fundraising effort to support the cost of personal and professional lobbying in Washington and Ottawa. Activities such as these are costly and will require $250,000 per year over the next few years. Your ongoing support is critical to restore our water levels.

ROGER GAUTHIER, a recently retired Senior Hydrologist who spent 30 years with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), will speak in his capacity as Chair of Restore Our Water International (ROWI). It is a new alliance of Canadian and American organizations concerned about the dire economic and ecological impacts of the low water crisis on Lakes Michigan and Huron and Georgian Bay.

According to ROWI the middle Great Lakes have now set a new record low for December and January and are in Crisis. Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Georgian Bay are losing 10 BILLION GALLONS PER DAY due to erosion of the St Clair River!

Specifically, human alterations of the outflow and erosion of the St. Clair River bed are causing excess outflow from the Upper Great Lakes through the lower lakes and out to the Atlantic Ocean. The lower water levels have resulted in dried up wetlands, a decline in the recreational fishery and exposed shorelines are being taken over by the invasive reed Phragmites australis. Pine trees are growing where once there were wetlands.

The consequence is a rapidly deteriorating ecosystem, with fish and waterfowl dying, massive algal blooms, stranded cottages boathouses and docks, dry marinas and ships carrying 25% less cargo. The economic and environmental cost is staggering. Please attend this meeting an support the restoration of Georgian Bay!

