Report on Council: April 8, 2013

Report on Council:
April 8, 2013

Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 11:57 am
Confidential Closed Session: 11:45 am – 11:57 am
Regular Meeting: 7:00 pm – 7:18 pm
Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren, Wishart
Regrets: Mayor Millar
Deputy Mayor Lawrence in the Chair


Septage Management Class Environmental Study Update
Councillor Wishart reported that the Advisory Committee will be meeting on April 18 to review preliminary mapping of potential locations and treatment technology for the Class EA. This meeting is open to the public. He also reported that the Committee and the consultants have scheduled a Public Information Centre presentation (PIC #4) on the study for Saturday, June 1, 2013, from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon), to be held at the Township of Tiny Community Centre (91 Conc. East). The session is intended to present the results of the study to the public and answer ant question they may have.

Skate Park Funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant
Deputy Mayor Lawrence announced that a grant of $67,000 has been received from the Trillium Foundation and will be used to purchase a mobile skate park and to hire a part-time youth coordinator and a youth leader.

Correction of the Peek A Boo trail roadway extension survey
Council considered and approved a report from Deputy Clerk Anita Weatherall to correct a surveying oversight of a one-foot reserve from the extension of Peek A Boo Trail. The relevant By-law was adopted unanimously.


Township Charity Golf Tournament
Deputy Mayor Lawrence asked for Council`s support of the annual golf tournament to raise funds for the Georgian Bay General Hospital Foundation in memory of Gordon Leonard. Council agreed to name the tournament the Township of Tiny Charity Golf Tournament in Memory of Gordon Leonard, and to waive the rental fee for the Wyebridge Community Centre for the event.

J. McIntosh, Barriston Law/Acquisition of Land
A confidential discussion took place with respect to a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the municipality.


County Council Update
Deputy Mayor Lawrence reported on two upcoming issues at the next Corporate Services Committee meeting. The first item was the term of the County Warden. The position was created to help with the workload, public relations and committee participation. It is almost a full time position. Previously it was a 1 year term and according to Mr. Lawrence the incumbents were from the Old Boys Club. The Councillors agreed the position should have a two year term because two years gives you time to establish ties with the Federal and Provincial government. A four year term could be two long if the incumbent is a problem.

The next item pertained to Economic Development Funding Options. Simcoe County has a $1.6 million surplus which they would like to share with the townships and municipalities under their umbrella. The Councillors preferred the option where Tiny would receive $50,000. from Simcoe without having to match Simcoe’s donation. Tiny’s economic Action Plan supports agricultural development.

Appointment of Keith Sherman as Township`s Clean Water Act Risk Management Officer
Council passed a motion at its Budget Meeting of November 9, 2012, to engage a Risk Management Officer/Risk Management Inspector as required under the Source Water Protection provisions of the Clean Water Act, 2008. Council voted to appoint Keith Sherman, Executive Director of the Severn Sound Environmental Association, to this position.

Accessibility Revisions to the Bluewater Beach Park Boardwalk
Council adopted a report that will implement recommendations of the Accessibility Advisory Committee for changes to bring the boardwalk up to the design standards required by Ontario legislation.