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Administrative Update

Correction: The Tiny Cottager pg. 14

On page 14 of the Fall 2012 Edition of The Tiny Cottager, the Report on Council entry for “Beach and Local Issues” requires a correction. The first sentence should read: “Discussions are still underway regarding a Memorandum of Understanding between the Cawaja Property Owners Association and the Township concerning beach [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: September 24, 2012

Municipal Property Assessment Corporation Report; Shelter Now Awareness Presentation; County Council Update; Private/Unassumed Street Site Plan Agreement McQuillan RP 750, Conc. 11 West; Meeting on lake levels in Ottawa; Meeting held under the Planning Act [more]

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Reports on Council: 2010-2014

Report on Council: September 10, 2012

Cedar Point Canada Postal Delivery; Petition for Safe Children Signage and Reduction of Speed Limit; Official Plan Amendment #13 on industrial wind turbines; Reduction of Securities for sewage by Le Villageois; Proposed Champlain Look-out on Concession 8W; Request to Erect a Sign at Public Beach Access (890A Tiny Beaches Rd S.); Strategic Planning Session; Wyebridge Parks & Recreation Association potential Property Purchase; Planning Act Hearing