Report on Council: August 13, 2012

Report on Council:
August 13, 2012
Committee of the Whole Meeting: 9:00 am – 12:12 pm; 12:45 – 2:26 pm
Confidential Closed Session: 2:22 am – 2:.25 pm
Public Hearing under the Planning Act 7:03 pm -7:07 pm
Regular Meeting: 7:08 pm – 7:37 pm
Mayor Millar, Deputy Mayor Lawrence, Councillors Claire, Warren and Wishart

Solar Farm Support Letter
Trevor Lindsay provided a brief overview of the proposed Hay Solar Farm Building Program on Part Lot 9, Concession 18 East. As part of the Hay Solar application process, the Ontario Power Authority requires that a letter of support from the municipality be provided. This matter will be further discussed at the next Regular Committee of the Whole meeting.

Simcoe County Official Plan Proposed Modifications
Bryan MacKell of MHBC Planning provided a comprehensive overview of the proposed modifications of the Simcoe County Official Plan. He reported that the deadline for comments to be submitted is August 27, 2012. County hopes to hold a review of comments prior to approval by County Council on September 12, 2012. Council agreed to hold a Special Committee of the Whole meeting on Thursday, August 16, 201 2 at 3:00 pm to consider a letter containing Tiny’s comments on the proposed new County Official Plan.

Cedar Point Post Office
On behalf of Canada Post, Donna McCreary discussed changes to the postal services subsequent to the closure of the Cedar Point postal outlet which will impact thirty-two customers in the Cedar Point area. Ms. McCreary outlined two options that are available to provide adequate postal services for these customers. At this time, she is seeking input from the Township on how to best service the affected residents. This matter will be further discussed at the next Regular Committee of the Whole meeting.

Discussion on Encroachments on Township Property
At the July 30, 2012 meeting of the Committee of the Whole, owners of a property on Silverbirch Drive sought to reach an encroachment agreement for an existing deck that lies partly on Township property. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to authorize the entering into an Encroachment Agreement and that staff meet with the property owners in preparation of the agreement.
Several Councillors raised the general issue of encroachments, noting that a broader policy review discussion should take place. There have been two previous staff reports dated November, regarding proposed amendments to By-law 05-099, the Township Encroachment Policy

Rental Property on Spruce Street
Two residents of Spruce Street in Woodland Beach outlined their concerns about noise and general nuisance emanating from a rental property on the street. They questioned the adequacy of existing By-laws to deal with extreme situations. The Committee instructed staff to bring forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to review the Township’s fine schedule to determine if an escalating fine structure would help prevent repeat violations of the Township’s By-laws.

Discussion of Low Georgian Bay Water Levels
Deputy Mayor Lawrence referred to the critical low lake water levels of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay and the need for political action at the federal government level to address them. He suggested that Council draft a joint letter for presentation by Bruce Stanton, MP, at the upcoming Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference on behalf of the Towns of Midland and Penetanguishene and the Townships of Tay and Tiny. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to have staff prepare the joint letter to Bruce Stanton, MP.

Audio Recordings of Council Meetings
The Committee considered a report from Anita Weatherell, Deputy Clerk, regarding the audio recording of Council meetings. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution to purchase the necessary equipment to audio record the Council meetings and amend the Retention By-law to reflect the retention period for the audio recordings of five (5) years and to amend the Fee Schedule By-law to charge a cost-recovery fee for the provision of audio recordings when requested by the public.
In a recorded vote Council approved the measure 4-1, Councillor Wishart opposed.

Township Office Front Entrance Accessibility Renovation
Four tenders were received for improvement of the accessibility to the front entrance of the Township Offices. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution at the evening meeting of Council to award the contract to Elmara Construction Company Limited in the amount of $164,100.00 exclusive of HST. In addition, it is anticipated the works will commence by September 4, 2012 with all works to be substantially completed by November27, 2012.
Approval of the tender was carried by a vote of 4-1.

Septage Class EA Update and Preferred Alternative Solution
Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, reported that the Septage Class Environmental Assessment Update has completed Phase 2, and that the Notice of Completion of Phase 2 can be processed. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to accept Alternative 4 – Construct Full Septage Treatment Works – as the preferred alternative solution.
On a recorded vote, the report by Mr. Blom was accepted by a vote of 4-1, Mayor Millar opposed.

Parking on Balm Beach Road for Church Access
Henk Blom, Manager of Public Works, reported on the parking situation along Balm Beach Road West adjacent to St. Patrick’s Church. The concern was potential conflicts between parking and users of the designated bike path along Balm Beach Road. The Township insurer no concerns but noted that the Township should clearly sign the parking spaces and the bike lane so that those parking and those riding their bikes are aware of their surroundings. Staff was instructed to bring forward a draft resolution at the Regular Meeting of Council to authorizes staff to delineate a 1.5 m bike path with appropriate signage along the south side of Balm Beach Road West from County Road 6 to #39 and that Open Parking be maintained on Balm Beach Road West from County Road 6 to #19.
On a recorded vote, the report by Mr. Blom was accepted by a vote of 4-1, Councillor Warren opposed.

Restoration and Accessibility of Bluewater Beach Park Boardwalk
As Council representatives on the Accessibility Advisory Committee and the Bluewater Dunes Restoration Advisory Committee, Deputy Mayor Lawrence and Councillor Warren presented a motion passed at the August 1, 2012 joint meeting recommending the immediate creation of a temporary access solution to the Bluewater Beach Park boardwalk (le. temporary straight platforms) and that a platform be built to connect the Trew Avenue and the Nicole Boulevard entrances for accessibility. This connection should be incorporated permanently in the Phase 2 Boardwalk Realignment project. Staff was directed to seek input from the Township insurer regarding liability concerns.

Planning Act Hearing
An owner of property in Registered Plan 1244 (Silverbirch) applicant was given provisional consent by the Committee of Adjustment to facilitate lot additions with some of the abutting neighbours on Registered Plan 1244 to add additional land to the rear of the properties The amendment of By-law No. 06-001 and By-law 77-30 is required to recognize the new land uses and to implement one of the conditions of approval as part of the severance decision by the Committee of Adjustment. Since no objections were raised, Council approved the necessary amendments.